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Date: Mon, Aug 30, 2010 11:49 am
Subject: 1st Meeting 4 September Bar-b-que Pot Luck
Dear Parents and Scouts,
This is a reminder that our first meeting of the new Scout year will be held this Saturday 4 September at 2:00 p.m. at St. Thomas.
As a pot luck we are asking that you bring something to share. For beverages, please consider water, ice tea, lemonade or juice. Pleae no sodas.
Also, we try to avoid fried food, pork products, and limit process foods as an effort to move towards healthier eating habits for our entire Scout family.
If you have a grill and can bring that would be helpful. We will have charcoal and lighter fluid please feel to bring your own.
Ice is always helpful.
Uniform for the day is Class "B" Scout T-shirt and Scout shorts, or blue jeans.
I look forward to seeing all of you back. As a reminder this event is limited to our returning Scouts and immediate Scout family. Our Open House will be held on Saturday 18 September at 2:00 p.m. On that date we would like for you to invite all your friends and family and potential new Scouters.
Thank you,
Yours in Scouting,
J.R. Brockman
Troop 133