Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fwd: FOLLOW-UP Message from the Popcorn Kernel

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Date: Wed, Sep 29, 2010 9:05 pm
Subject: FOLLOW-UP Message from the Popcorn Kernel
To: "J.R. Brockman" <>

Dear Scouts and Parents,

Below is a follow up message from Mr. Walt Livingston, Treasurer and Popcorn

J.R. Brockman


Troop 133


TO:                  All Parents of the St. Thomas Scout Program

FROM:            Walt Livingston, Troop Treasurer and Popcorn Kernel

As a follow-up  to my previous message regarding Popcorn Sales, I'd like to
be certain this Friday that I have a few scouts to get started as close to
3:30 p.m. as possible.  I have one scout that says he can arrive at 30th
Street right after school which is helpful.  Hopefully he mentioned it to
his parents.  I would prefer to know ahead of time who to expect with a
phone call or response to this email from a parent.  According to the
attached schedule, the Cobra Patrol is on deck, however, I will not turn
down any scout wishing to sell.  My cell number is 215 / 801-8094.  As I
talk to parents we will work out individually I meet each scout and the
approximate time I should expect him.

All scouts must be in Class "A" uniform.  All scouts in attendance will
receive sales credit factored by the time the individual scout sells and
total popcorn sold that evening.  The formula for crediting individual sales
is as follows.  The total amount of sales is divided by the number of hours
of the Show and Sell.  For example if a Show and Sell is conducted for three
hours and $300.00 is earned the hours divided by the total earned would be
$100.00 per hour.  The hourly amount is then divided by the Scouts who
participated in that hour.  For example if four Scouts participate in all
three hours then each Scout would be credited with $25.00.   Cub scouts are
welcome to join the boy scouts and parents are expected to remain with them.

Any scout coming directly from school to 30th street will be provided
dinner.  There are plenty of places to eat there.  Any scout needing to
change into their uniform will be provided a safe place in which to do that.
FYI, there is a fitness room in 30th street with a locker room and Amtrak
police in the same fitness facility.  Sales will continue until 7:30 and
parents are expected to ensure their scout is picked up from 30th street at
that time.  We will be set-up in the concourse on the 30th street side which
is opposite the angel.

There was an announcement to all 30th street employees so hopefully we have
a decent showing to get things going!

With regard to Saturday sales, again reference the attached schedule, the
Just Do It Patrol is on deck for Show and Deliver.  We are looking for a few
parents to put in whatever time they can to shadow the scouts with product
in the neighborhoods surrounding St Thomas Church.  Show and Deliver can not
occur without parental support.  Cub Scouts will again be at the Post Office
starting at 10 and Scouts will again be at the Acme starting at 11 a.m.
(Saber-tooth Patrol).  

Cub Scouts shall be back at the church in time for their 2 o'clock meeting
and scouts will finish up at 3 in order to be back for their 3:30 pm

Again, if you have any questions, please contact me.

Walt Livingston,


Popcorn Committee Chairperson
215 / 801-8094


From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 8:45 PM
Subject: Fwd: FOLLOW-UP Message from the Popcorn Kernel

Brock, could you send this for the sake of logistics this Friday.  Feel free
to edit, add or delete.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
To: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 8:58:08 PM
Subject: Message from the Popcorn Kernel

Dear Parents,

Below is a message from Mr. Walt Livingston our Treasurer and our Popcorn
Kernel, regarding our Popcorn Sale.  I concur with Mr. Livingston sentiments
and support his efforts.  I encourage all of our parents to heed to his
words and consider the importance of this sale and what it means to our
Scout program and to all our Scouts.

Thank you,

J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



TO:                  All Parents of the St. Thomas Scout Program

FROM:            Walt Livingston, Troop Treasurer and Popcorn Kernel

The troop's popcorn kick-off meeting Friday evening came with lots of
enthusiasm from the few parents and scouts in attendance.  Thanks to new
committee member Steve Buck, a delicious and plentiful spaghetti and
meatball buffet was served.  At the meeting, Asst. Scout Master and District
Executive Anthony Weiss and I presented the Council and troop plans' for
reaching the $15K goal this year.  And, we instructed the younger scouts on
how to sell.  The $15K goal compares with $12K sold during the 2009 popcorn
season.  With an additional week built into this year's sales season, and a
more aggressive plan to reach the goal, the expectation is that the troop
and pack will meet the goal.

The sale of $15K represents the potential for a whopping $4,500 of income
the troop and pack desperately needs this year for operating budget.  During
several camping trips attended in the fall and spring of last year, the
troop leadership realized the poor condition of the cooking equipment.  All
of the troop's stoves require repair or replacement.  And the other big plan
for the year is the intent to attend summer camp in Tampa, FL.
Additionally, these funds are used to purchase manuals for our Cub Scouts
and uniform items. None of these things will happen without a successful
fund raising season.

Unfortunately I have to report Saturday's sales for the opening weekend as
somewhat lighter than expected.  The cause for the light sales had a number
of factors, including the inability to put into effect the sales plan.
Giving the light attendance at the kick-off meeting, we still have many
parents are scouts who are unaware of our sales plan and the role they play.

What the troop and pack are trying to do is make better use of its
resources by taking advantage of additional sales locations rather than
having all scouts and cub scouts selling solely at the Acme, as was
historically done.  The cubs are assigned to the Bala Cynwyd Post Office,
and Scouts will rotate Show and Sell locations between the Acme each
Saturday and 30th Street Station every Friday.  The third location for the
third patrol will be to Show and Deliver in the area surrounding St. Thomas,
Old City Philadelphia, and other locations.  That was attempted with limited
effort last year.  You'll also notice the plan includes VFW Posts that is
not shaping up as expected.

While Show and Sell is where we sell at one location like the Acme, Show and
Deliver is where we have parents with a vehicle and scouts canvass a
neighborhood going door to door.  The neighborhood surrounding St. Thomas is
a target resource we have not take advantage of that could yield a number of

Given the plan, on Saturday the pack had 3 cub scout parents and their cub
scouts man the Post Office on Conshohocken Ave.  A big thank you to those
cub parents!  We started very late at 12:30 pm at the Acme with 2 scouts
that did not attend the Fairmont Park clean-up, and we ended up with nine at
that location.  Back at the church, we had another half dozen scouts that
could not participate at all with Show and Deliver because there was no
parental support to call on to shadow the scouts as they canvas the
neighborhood for sales.  Without parental support, Show and Deliver can not
be implemented.

If we can get ONE HOUR of time from each parent whose son is assigned to
Show and Deliver for the week, we should have a productive, successful sales
season.  We are also asking that you be aware that we are asking the scouts
as their patrol is assigned to 30th Street to get there as close to 3:30 pm
as their school schedule will allow.  They are encouraged to bring their
uniform in a bag on the Friday they are assigned there, make their way there
after school, and they will be given a secure place at 30th street to change
into their uniform.  If that is not doable, we ask that the parents ensure
their arrival and in either case, their return home in the evening at the
conclusion of that Show and Sell session.

The kick-off meeting also included the expectation for Take-orders, same
Excel spreadsheet - different tab.  All scouts are being asked to sell a
minimum of 10 containers each which will cover approx 55% of the $15K or
$8,500 of the target goal.  With Show and Sell, Show and Deliver, assignment
of Cub Scouts to a location, scouts rotating their locations, there are
still several options not mentioned.  As an example please consider your
place of worship as a potential Show and Sell.  Give us advance notice and
we can provide support in getting you product and if necessary scouts to
help you with your sale.  

Additionally, consider your place of business, your club, or organization as
potential sources for sales.  Keep in mind the military contributions that
can be made by bundling less than $25 contributions and consider sales to
store owners you frequent, and corporate sales for those that can.  And if
you take a look at the back of the order form it gives a little guidance for
on-line sales.  Consider it another option.  If you need assistance with
on-line sales please ask for help.  

We thank you in advance and remind you that this is a once a year effort
that will make the difference between a successful year and a not so
successful scout year.  We know we can do this, because we have done this -
with your help and support.

Yours in Scouting,

Walt Livingston


Popcorn Sale Chairperson

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fwd: Registration

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Registration
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 22:11:01 -0400
From: J.R. Brockman <>
To: J.R. Brockman <>

Dear Parents,


Our Scouting program started the new Scout year almost three weeks ago.  In order for us to effectively plan out the year we need to know which Scouts will be participating this year.  This allows us to form our roster and know how many Scouts will be in our troop and pack.


All parents are requested to register no later than this Saturday 2 October.  Scouts who do not have a registration on file by 8 October will not be permitted to participate in any outside activity, such as camping trips, etc.


Registration is $20.00.  Dues remain $4.00 per month or $16.00 for September through December.  The cost for January to June is $20.00.  The total cost for the year is $56.00 with Boy’s Life magazine costing another $12.00 or a total of $68.00/


For registration a minimum of $20.00 will be required.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.



Yours in Scouting,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



Fwd: Message from the Popcorn Kernel

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Message from the Popcorn Kernel
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:58:08 -0400
From: J.R. Brockman <>
To: J.R. Brockman <>

Dear Parents,


Below is a message from Mr. Walt Livingston our Treasurer and our Popcorn Kernel, regarding our Popcorn Sale.  I concur with Mr. Livingston sentiments and support his efforts.  I encourage all of our parents to heed to his words and consider the importance of this sale and what it means to our Scout program and to all our Scouts.


Thank you,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



TO:                  All Parents of the St. Thomas Scout Program

FROM:            Walt Livingston, Troop Treasurer and Popcorn Kernel

The troop’s popcorn kick-off meeting Friday evening came with lots of enthusiasm from the few parents and scouts in attendance.  Thanks to new committee member Steve Buck, a delicious and plentiful spaghetti and meatball buffet was served.  At the meeting, Asst. Scout Master and District Executive Anthony Weiss and I presented the Council and troop plans' for reaching the $15K goal this year.  And, we instructed the younger scouts on how to sell.  The $15K goal compares with $12K sold during the 2009 popcorn season.  With an additional week built into this year’s sales season, and a more aggressive plan to reach the goal, the expectation is that the troop and pack will meet the goal.

 The sale of $15K represents the potential for a whopping $4,500 of income the troop and pack desperately needs this year for operating budget.  During several camping trips attended in the fall and spring of last year, the troop leadership realized the poor condition of the cooking equipment.  All of the troop’s stoves require repair or replacement.  And the other big plan for the year is the intent to attend summer camp in Tampa, FL.  Additionally, these funds are used to purchase manuals for our Cub Scouts and uniform items. None of these things will happen without a successful fund raising season.

 Unfortunately I have to report Saturday’s sales for the opening weekend as somewhat lighter than expected.  The cause for the light sales had a number of factors, including the inability to put into effect the sales plan.  Giving the light attendance at the kick-off meeting, we still have many parents are scouts who are unaware of our sales plan and the role they play.

 What the troop and pack are trying to do is make better use of its resources by taking advantage of additional sales locations rather than having all scouts and cub scouts selling solely at the Acme, as was historically done.  The cubs are assigned to the Bala Cynwyd Post Office, and Scouts will rotate Show and Sell locations between the Acme each Saturday and 30th Street Station every Friday.  The third location for the third patrol will be to Show and Deliver in the area surrounding St. Thomas, Old City Philadelphia, and other locations.  That was attempted with limited effort last year.  You’ll also notice the plan includes VFW Posts that is not shaping up as expected.

While Show and Sell is where we sell at one location like the Acme, Show and Deliver is where we have parents with a vehicle and scouts canvass a neighborhood going door to door.  The neighborhood surrounding St. Thomas is a target resource we have not take advantage of that could yield a number of sales. 

Given the plan, on Saturday the pack had 3 cub scout parents and their cub scouts man the Post Office on Conshohocken Ave.  A big thank you to those cub parents!  We started very late at 12:30 pm at the Acme with 2 scouts that did not attend the Fairmont Park clean-up, and we ended up with nine at that location.  Back at the church, we had another half dozen scouts that could not participate at all with Show and Deliver because there was no parental support to call on to shadow the scouts as they canvas the neighborhood for sales.  Without parental support, Show and Deliver can not be implemented. 

If we can get ONE HOUR of time from each parent whose son is assigned to Show and Deliver for the week, we should have a productive, successful sales season.  We are also asking that you be aware that we are asking the scouts as their patrol is assigned to 30th Street to get there as close to 3:30 pm as their school schedule will allow.  They are encouraged to bring their uniform in a bag on the Friday they are assigned there, make their way there after school, and they will be given a secure place at 30th street to change into their uniform.  If that is not doable, we ask that the parents ensure their arrival and in either case, their return home in the evening at the conclusion of that Show and Sell session.

 The kick-off meeting also included the expectation for Take-orders, same Excel spreadsheet - different tab.  All scouts are being asked to sell a minimum of 10 containers each which will cover approx 55% of the $15K or $8,500 of the target goal.  With Show and Sell, Show and Deliver, assignment of Cub Scouts to a location, scouts rotating their locations, there are still several options not mentioned.  As an example please consider your place of worship as a potential Show and Sell.  Give us advance notice and we can provide support in getting you product and if necessary scouts to help you with your sale. 

Additionally, consider your place of business, your club, or organization as potential sources for sales.  Keep in mind the military contributions that can be made by bundling less than $25 contributions and consider sales to store owners you frequent, and corporate sales for those that can.  And if you take a look at the back of the order form it gives a little guidance for on-line sales.  Consider it another option.  If you need assistance with on-line sales please ask for help. 

We thank you in advance and remind you that this is a once a year effort that will make the difference between a successful year and a not so successful scout year.  We know we can do this, because we have done this - with your help and support.

Yours in Scouting,

Walt Livingston


Popcorn Sale Chairperson


Friday, September 24, 2010

Fwd: Popcorn Sale Training Tonight 24 September

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
Date: Fri, Sep 24, 2010 1:55 pm
Subject: Popcorn Sale Training Tonight 24 September

Dear Scouts and Parents,


As a reminder we will conduct our popcorn sale training tonight at 7:00 at St. Thomas.


There will be a spaghetti dinner.  Feel free to bring a dessert to share.

Yours in Scouting,



J.R. Brockman


Troop 133


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fwd: Open House - 18 September

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Date: Thu, Sep 16, 2010 10:31 pm
Subject: Open House - 18 September
To: <>, "Donald Hunt" <>, "Eric Brown" <>, <>, "G Rivers" <>, "George Rowland" <>, "Hill, Kiya" <>, <>, "Livingston, Walt" <>, "Lorna Anglin" <>, "Malik Hudson-Ashe" <>, "Melita Dumas-Staley" <>, "Meqai Herder" <>, "Morrow, Victor" <>, <>, "Myles Randolph" <>, <>, "Raymond Brady" <>, "Roger Peebles" <>, "Roger Peebles" <>, "Ronovan Bundy" <>, "Sadler, Darnell" <>, "Stanley, Stephen" <>, "TERRY MEANS-WAITES" <>, <>, "Walt Livingston - home" <>, "Weiss, Anthony" <>, "Wesley Anderson" <>, "Ahmir Thompson" <>, <>, "Alex Morrow" <>, "Beauvais, Darwin" <>, "Beauvais, Kim" <>, "Brockman, Ariel" <>, "Buck, Steve" <>, "Devante Anderson" <>, "James Cromartie" <>, "Jawwaad Hall" <ms­>, "Jayden Pope" <>, "Jordan Waters" <>, "Joshua Dunson" <>, "Julian Edwards" <>, "Khairi Lewis" <>, "Lori Morse" <>, "Ms. McCullers" <>, "Nelson Davis" <>, "Nyazaiha Daniels" <>, "Nygee McCoy" <>, "Samir Arrington" <>, "Stanley, Stephen" <>, "Tami Perkins" <>, "Tymir Lackey" <>, "Williamson, Stephanie" <>, "Wilson, Joel" <>

Hello Parents and Scouts,


As a reminder Open House is this week starting at 2:00 p.m.  Afterwards will be a short awards ceremony. 


Uniform for the day is Class “A”, the full uniform with neckerchief.


Yours in Scouting,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cub Pack 133 2010 - 2011 Planning Meeting

"Hey Mom & Dad, Yes You...We Need You to Attend the Planning Meeting to Help Make 133 Even Better This Year!"
Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010
11:00am - 1:30pm

Parents Encouraged to Participate
J.R. Brockman, Cub Master
Stephen Stanley, Weblos Leader
Stephanie Williamson, Den Leader
Darwin Beauvoir, Den Leader
Joel Wilson, Den Leader

IMPORTANT: There will be no Cub programs running during the Planning Meeting. Parents will be responsible for their Scouts if they must bring them during the Planning Meeting time. 

However, we will make space available in close proximity for scouts with games and DVD player to help keep them occupied. Scouts are also encourage to bring books or other educational games to keep them occupied.


Open House Program

Public is Welcome...Please bring prospective Scouts with Parents to Learn about scouting

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fwd: Cub Scout Meeting 2:00 p.m.

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 10:28 pm
Subject: Cub Scout Meeting 2:00 p.m.

Dear Cubs and Parents,


Looking forward to seeing all our Cubs back on Saturday 11 September at 2:00 p.m.  All parents are requested to attend a brief 'Welcome Back Parents Meeting' to include retrieiving your registration material for the  year. 


Yours in Scouting,



J.R. Brockman


Pack 133



Fwd: September 11 Rememberance

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 10:39 pm
Subject: September 11 Rememberance

Dear Scouts and Parents,


While Saturday will be a joyous day when we officially start our near Scout year, it will also be a solemn remembrance of the terrible day in 2001 when many Americans lost their lives in a dreadful attack.  We have been tasked by the BSA to mark this day in some way especially to say thank you to our national heroes that include our police and firemen and men and women in uniform.


Many of our Scouts may be too young to know the events that surrounded that day.  The lesson should be that hate never conquers anything and that love conquers all.  That when we work to love those around us though difficult as it may be, we can make the world a better place.   


This coming Saturday we will ask our Cubs to make up cards and posters that say Thank You and take them to our local Fire Station down the street.  Also please let us know if you have a family member or friend who falls into a hero category, either employed by the Fire Department, Police Department or serving in the Armed Forces.  We will make some effort to recognize and acknowledge them.


Yours in Scouting,



J.R. Brockman


Troop 133


Fwd: : EXTERNAL: FW: Harvard University Announcement No tuition and no student loans

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 7, 2010 02:13 PM
Subject: Fwd: EXTERNAL: FW: Harvard University Announcement No tuition and no student loans

You may not qualify for this but please pass it on to someone who can use it.        

"He who upsets a thing should know how to rearrange it."  - Afrikan Proverb


Harvard University Announcement   -   Pass it on.



Harvard University Announcement

No tuition and no student loans

Harvard University announced over the weekend that from now on undergraduate students from low-income families will pay no tuition. In making the announcement, Harvard's president Lawrence H. Summers said, "When only ten percent of the students in elite higher education come from families in the lower half of the income distribution, we are not doing enough. We are not doing enough in bringing elite higher education to the lower half of the income distribution."

If you know of a family earning less than $60,000 a year with an honor student graduating from high school soon, Harvard University wants to pay the tuition. The prestigious university recently announced that from now on undergraduate students from low-income families can go to Harvard for free... no tuition and no student loans!

To find out more about Harvard offering free tuition for families making less than $60,000 a year, visit Harvard's financial aid website at: or call the school's financial aid office at (617) 495-1581.








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