- Popcorn Fundraising Training + Pizza Party: Fri., Sept. 28, 2012 6:30 PM @ church, 2nd Floor Great Hall
- Learn the script to sell popcorn!
- Learn about Show-N-Sale locations
- Suggest additional Show-N-Sale locations
- If you have contacts to coordinate additional locations, please do and bring info to meeting.
- Please RSVP via new Trip Registration System
- Download Popcorn sales forms
CUB PACK 133 Popcorn Fundraiser Training + Pizza Party! 9/28 @ 6:30 pm
- NEW Trip Registration System http://bit.ly/
Pack133Trips - Our new 2012 - 2013 Printed PACK Calendar is available for download!
- Online Access to Calendar http://google.com/
calendar - You will receive an e-mail invite for online calendar upon registration.
- Where to Get Uniforms? Scout Shop. 22nd & Winters Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103
- If you buy full uniform, you can get a pair of Cub Scouts jeans for $.01
- Parent List Purge: We will be removing all unregistered 2012-2013 parents after Oct. 20, 2012
Want to get a head start on registering?
All below must be completed and returned by Parent / Guardian
All below must be completed and returned by Parent / Guardian
- BSA Youth application http://www.
scouting.org/filestore/pdf/ 524-406A.pdf - BSA Medical Forms (http://www.scouting.org/
sitecore/content/Home/ HealthandSafety/ahmr.aspx) - Parts A&B due with Youth Applicationhttp://www.
scouting.org/filestore/ HealthSafety/pdf/parts_ab.pdf - Part C is due by October 30 http://www.scouting.org/
filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/ part_c.pdf - Talent Release Form (download form)
- Youth Protection Handout
- Den Summary Sheet (signed) (http://bit.ly/
CubScoutCliffNotes) - Parent only needs to sign for their youth(s) Den
- Parent Talent Survey http://bit.ly/
Pack133Survey - Annual Dues $62
- $22 Registration
= $22 - $4 / month (Sept. - June) * 10 = $40
- Optional - Boys Life Magazine subscription $12
How to Make Scouting FREE?
ANSWER: Participate in Pack Fundraisers!
- Popcorn - October - You can start Selling Sept 1!
- Individual Take Home Sales
- Online Popcorn Sales
- Camp Cards - January
- Pancake Breakfast - February
7501 Woodbine Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19151
We will be recruiting for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. We are asking any Leaders, Scouts, and Parents to come out to help man our information table to pass out literature and talk with potential scouts and parents.
Scouts should be in Class A uniform.
PACK Welcome DAY TRIP to Camp HART,
Sat. Sept. 29, 2012 - 5505 Upper Ridge Road, Pennsburg PA 18073
- Meet at church @ 7:45 AM
- Depart for Camp HART by 8:15 AM
- Arrival: aprox 9:30 AM
Please dress accordingly (sunscreen, hat, water bottle, insect repellent and rain poncho)
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday September 29, 2012 at 9am at Camp Hart off Miller Road in Pennsburg PA 18073.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday September 29, 2012 at 9am at Camp Hart off Miller Road in Pennsburg PA 18073.
WEBELOS I&II Overnight, Saturday, Sept. 29th to Sunday, Sept. 30th
Cost: FREE
Sign Up End Date: Tuesday, 9/25/2012
- Webelos must attend Day Trip to Camp HART to participate.
- Will travel from Camp HART to Camp Delmont (both on the BSA Scout Reservation)
- Males Leaders and Webelos fathers who are interested, please RSVP to me ASAP joel.cp133@133@gmail.com
- Camping Supply List Required
- Class A or Class B Uniform
- Webelos Book, paper and pencil
- Tent (optional)
- Rain poncho
- Boots or sneakers (no open toe foot wear)
- Sleeping bag or 2 blankets
- tooth brush and tooth paste
- soap, wash cloth, towel
- Change of clothes
- socks
- Pajamas or other sleeping wear
- flash light with spare batteries
POPCORN SHOW-N-SALE Saturdays, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 (10 am - 1 pm)
Bala Cynwyd Post Office, 1 UNION AVE, BALA CYNWYD, PA 19004-9998 - Directions from Church
Please be sure register to help out! http://bit.ly/ Pack133Trips
PACK NATURE HIKE in Fairmount's Park Beautiful Valley Green, Oct. 13, 2012
A lovely, wooded valley with Wissahickon Creek running through its entire seven-mile length, the Park extends from Chestnut Hill in the north to Manayunk in the southwest. Forbidden Drive, a wide gravel road closed to automobile traffic, parallels the Creek and the Park is criss-crossed by more than 50 miles of often rugged trails.
Please be sure register for hike @ http://bit.ly/Pack133Trips
Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master
@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church
6361 Lancaster Avenue, Phila., PA 19151
E-mail: Joel.cp133@gmail.com
Tel: 267-329-9332
Fax: 206-350-5152
Blog http://PhillyScouts133. blogspot.com
Photo Album http://bit.ly/cp133photos
Triune District Blog: http://triune.colbsa.net
MEETINGS (Sep. 2011 - Jun 2012)
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)
Philadelphia Scout Shop -Located in the Bruce S. Marks Center, 22nd & Winter Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *Free Parking!* (Need Directions? Use http://maps.google.com orwww.septa.org)
Official BSA Cub Scouts Age Guidelines for Dens
Cub Scout Cliff Notes
Sent from the Always FREE Gmail Account :) ....Feel FREE to SHARE this Email!
Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master
@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church
6361 Lancaster Avenue, Phila., PA 19151
E-mail: Joel.cp133@gmail.com
Tel: 267-329-9332
Fax: 206-350-5152
Blog http://PhillyScouts133.
Photo Album http://bit.ly/cp133photos
Triune District Blog: http://triune.colbsa.net
MEETINGS (Sep. 2011 - Jun 2012)
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)
Wendy Palmer, Chairperson e-mail: rvpwendy@yahoo.com
Gloria Shabazz, Treasurer e-mail: gshabazz@msn.com
Regina Gray, Secretary e-mail: angelsent1102@yahoo.com
Philadelphia Scout Shop -Located in the Bruce S. Marks Center, 22nd & Winter Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *Free Parking!* (Need Directions? Use http://maps.google.com orwww.septa.org)
Official BSA Cub Scouts Age Guidelines for Dens
Cub Scout Cliff Notes
Sent from the Always FREE Gmail Account :) ....Feel FREE to SHARE this Email!