Sunday, February 14, 2010

Boys Scouts Troops & Parents: Don't Miss the 2010 HBCU (Historically Black College & University) Tour!

You gotta check this meeting out !  Next Saturday is the last meeting for the tour March 26 through April 2, 2010.  Just going to the meeting you will learn much about :
  • Pre-college information and college.   
  • Learn about on-the-spot scholarships just  attending the tour of the HBCUs and meeting presidents of the different universities.  
    • Every time the buses come back, they have hundreds of thousands of dollars of scholarship money; and the youth are highly motivated.  
  • How to pick a university that fits your childs personality, learning, and studing style. 
    • Some students need small classse to succeed
    • Some students are distracted by big schools
    • Some students thrive in large environments,
    • Some students like the country, and some students don't. 
  • The importantance of parent involvment for the success of the students.  Parent involment, parent involvement, parent involvment. 
  • Why many guidance counselors at the high schools steer students away from HBCUs.
  •  The questions  students should ask the admission personnel and other college staff. 
Did you know ?
  • Out  of  3,000colleges in the US, only 104 are HBCU  (Only .034%) 
  • Did you know that more blacks doctors come out of these schools than white schools produce.   
  • Did you know that Xavier  Univeristy in New Orleans, has the highest rate of acceptance  into  medical than any other college in the US.   
    • Did you know that 7 out of 10 nursing students pass the nurses examination the first time blowing away most colleges.  
  • Did you know Howard Univ recruits the most black National Merit students next to Harvard?   
  • Did you know Spelman is one of the best Liberal Arts school in the Nation  ( period )  rank with the Harvard, Princeton, etc, period.   
  • 2/3 of African-American college students are females.  
    •   A male African-American college student today is considered unique by the univeristies.

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