Friday, March 18, 2011

Cub Pack Parent Committee Meeting - Saturday 3/26/2011 12:30pm - 2:00pm


The church is a having a Story Telling Program in the Great Hall on Saturday, April 26, 2011 from 12pm - 2pm. This will give the parents to meet in the 3rd Floor Scout Suite from 12:30pm - 2pm.

Cub Scout Program will be abridged, 2pm - 3pm

Weblos 3:30pm - 4:00pm

Open Volunteer Positions

  • Asst. Treasurer / Cub Treasurer
    • This position will report to the Assistant Cubmaster, but will work in conjunction with the Treasurer with these specifics duties;
      • Business, Office, Accounting, Book Keeping Experience are Welcome, but not Mandatory.
      • Must be comfortable writing check and balancing a check book.
      • Must be proficient in using Internet, e-mail and ability to send attachment files on computer.
      • Collect all money from Cub parents for all activities, to include registration etc. Ensure receipts are given for all money collected.
      • Make deposits of all money collected with a deposit receipt and explanation of deposits given to the Treasurer.
      • Maintain record of Cub program budget, determine cost estimates, etc. keeps track of all Cub expenditures.
      • Coordinate with Cub leaders on expenses, reimbursements, petty cash advances, etc.
  • Public Relations / Fund Raising - Parent must posses very good verbal and written communication skills. Develop correspondence to local museums soliciting FREE tickets for our Scout program. Identify select entities and/or foundations that support youth programs and solicit for donations. Use our blog and photo album as collateral in solicitations. Additionally, we need 1 additional fund raiser, such as bowling or skating party, before Scout Year is over to make sure we can fund our programs successfully.
  • Photography / Videographer (3 persons) take digital pictures at scouting events and upload into photo album and/or transfer to Asst. Cubmaster (ACM)
  • Cub Seamstress - Sew scouts badges on once per month during regular meeting times
  • Blue & Gold Awards Ceremony Chairperson - Need a coordinator for the Blue & Gold which will be held in June of 2011. Develop correspondence with local supermarkets and other select entities for donations for upcoming Blue & Gold banquet.
  • How Would You Like to Volunteer? Let us know your Cub friendly idea, and I am sure we can make it fit into the Cub Program!
Time Permitting

  • Cuboree Update
  • Summer Camp Options Update
  • How to view Blog
  • The New Online Scouts Photo Album
  • How to access Scout Calendar

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