Friday, July 15, 2011

Fwd: Summer Activities for the Boyscouts a success

    Good afternoon Active Scout Parent Supporters. I hope this message reaches you guys in good spirits. I wanted to make a few announcements on the success of Troop 133 and Troop 152 for sharing the spirit of community and reaching out to fellow scouts. This summer Mr. Stanley organized an engineering merit badge program that included robotics, computers, drafting, and electronics. Working along side other leaders from troop 152 there has been a total of 7 boys to take advantage of this opportunity to make advancements during the summer. This type of sacrifice is what makes a troop successful and i wanted to take this time to thank Mr. Stanley for his talents and education, but also his dedication to the troop year round.
I want to close by saying i hope to see you all at the opening day ceremony and prepare for an exciting new year of scouting.
Victor Morrow II
Unit Committe Chairman

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