Friday, January 27, 2012

BOY SCOUYS Regular Meeting - Sat 28 Show Time 1500 hrs

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-------- Original message --------
Subject: Regular Meeting - Sat 28 Show Time 1500 hrs
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
To: "J.R. Brockman" <>

Dear Parents and Scouts,


There will be a regular Scout Meeting Saturday 28 January.  All Scouts should report by 1500 hrs (3:00 p.m.)  Uniform for the day is Class "A" with optional neckerchief.  Please pay attention to the following items.





Our status for continuing swimming over the next 6 weeks at St. Joseph's University has not received final approval.  However in preparation that we do get permission Scouts are asked to bring their swim gear just in case.



Gifts of the Magi


We are still collecting men's clothing, articles, and toiletries to be donated to St. John's Hospice.  St. John's is a homeless shelter for men.  This will be our last weekend to collect donations.  All Scouts are asked to bring an item that they have collected.




Scout Breakfast Saturday 4 February


Our Second Annual Scout Breakfast will be held Saturday 4 February from 7:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.  Tickets are $10.00 for all you can eat breakfast buffet with kids age 10 and under eating for free.  All Scouts should have received tickets to sell.  Please bring any money from ticket sales this weekend.  This is a fundraiser for our general fund that goes to support all Scouts. 


Parents volunteers are asked to come out and help with ticket collection.  All Scouts are asked to report to St. Thomas Friday night 3 February NLT 1830 hrs (6:30 p.m.) We will have movie night that evening to include setting up tables and chairs for the breakfast.  Scouts are need to show no later than (NLT) 0700 hrs (7:00 a.m.) to help with the breakfast.






ALL SCOUTS WHO ARE PLANNING TO GO TO SUMMER MUST HAVE THE LONG BSA MEDICAL FORM COMPLETED.  PLEASE MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO GET YOUR MEDICAL EXAMINATION COMPLETED NOW.  All Scouts should have turned in the short medical information form.  This form can be completed by parents and does not require a visit to your physician.  Additionally Walgreens offers complete medical examinations for the cost of $35 and can be completed in under 30 minutes.  Medical Information is essential for the safety of your Scout. 



Summer Camp


Summer Camp for 2012 will be 1-7 July at Resica Falls.  Camp cost currently is $325.00.  Scouts who are planning to go need to pay a $50.00 deposit.  All checks should be made out to BOY SCOUT TROOP 133. 



Jamboree 2013


The BSA National Jamboree where Scouts from all over the country come for an extraordinary camping extravaganza will take place 15-24 July of 2013 at the new BSA High Adventure camp The Bechtel Summit in West Virginia.  However the application process has started now.  Scouts will have to be at least 12 years old and a First Class Scout.  There will be a selection process by the Council as there are a limited number of Scouts that can go.  This is not a Troop 133 event.  Scouts will make application through the Council to be part of the Council's Jamboree Contingent Troop.  Selected Scouts will have to attend all pre-Jamboree training which will be approximately a year before the Jamboree and will include regular meeting attendance as part of the Contingent Troop.  The basic cost is $850.00 which does not include cost such as travel.  Some financial assistance may be available, so financial considerations should not be a cause for failing to submit an application if interested.  The major criteria will be progressive rank advancement, good standing, and display of Scout spirit.  More information will follow.  For additional information please go to the following website  Scouts who will be at least 16 years old by the time of the Jamboree should consideration submit an application for staff.  These are non-paid positions but the cost to attend is approximately 50% less.  Although Scouts will be working in some venue, Scouts who are staff are still able to enjoy a great Scout experience. 



Rank Advancement


Scouts are reminded that worksheets for the Safety and Fire Safety merit badge are due if Scouts plan to get credit for completing these merit badges.  Scouts who need a Board of Review for completion of their next rank should make a request that are prepared.  Arrangements will be made. 



Basic Scout Skills


In an effort to improve basic Scout skills for all Scouts, all Troop 133 Scouts were issued an individual compass, booklet on knots, and rope.  The compass is not a regular part of the Scout uniform and should be worn to all meetings.  The rope must be carried and worn on the belt until successfully completing the Troop 133 Knot Test which is showing proficiency in the following knots.


Square Knot            Two-Half Hitches               Bowline                     Taut Line                  Timber Hitch                        Sheep Shank                       Sheet Bend              Clove Hitch


How to tie these knots can be found in the Scout manual or in the Knot Booklet given to all Scout. Also, you can try and Google these knots are the web.  In the past there have been You Tube videos that demonstrate how to tie these knots. 


Scouts who lose or misplace any item are responsible for replacing their compass, rope, knot booklet to include the Merit Badge worksheet binder.  Merit Badge worksheets can be found at



Thank you,


Yours in Scouting,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



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