Monday, February 20, 2012

CUB PACK eNews - "Blue & Gold" Award Celebration, Satruday Feb. 25th 2 PM ***FREE***

National Constitution Center Cub Scouts Day, March 3, 2012. Your Scout will complete 10 - 21 scout requirements! (see below for trip details)

*NEW* CUB PACK 133 TXT MSG Service SignUp! If you are a Pack 133 parent and are not receiving text messages, please signup below.

VIDEO GAMES Hand held video game systems are prohibited at Cub Scout activities unless specifically requested.

CUB SCOUTS BOOKS are required at all Den Meetings. Please be sure to inform your Den Leader when activities are completed at home, school or other locations so they can sign your book and update our records for your scout's rank advancement.

2012 CAMPORSHIPS are now available! FREE summer camp scholarship money for Cub Scout summer camps. Click Here to Apply now!

PACK 133 "Blue & Gold" Awards Celebration, Saturday Feb. 25, 2012, 3PM - 5PM (Volunteer Setup 2 PM) *** FREE***

The Blue & Gold is the traditionally the birthday for Cub Scouts and awards ceremony for our scouts.

  • All Pack 133 scouts will receive a Certificate of Participation.
  • Scouts who earn their Den Requirements will also earn their respective Den Rank badge. We will also award Belt Loops or Pins if applicable.
  • We encourage you to invite family and friends to enjoy the celebration. Please RSVP your total attendance count by Wednesday 2/22/2012 via txt msg to 267-329-9332

Pack 133 Cub Scouts working on Achievements!

- Sunday, February 26, 2012

All Scouts, Parents, Family and Friends are invited to Sunday worship service at 9:45am . Scouts should be in Class A uniform and will procession in and sit with the Pack/Troop 133 contingent.

St. Thomas has the oldest African-American Boy Scout organization, dating back nearly 100 years. Come be a part of the great history.


Enjoy a fun-filled day learning about our country while meeting requirements or working toward badges! Scout Days feature activity tables, workshops, and shows just for Scout troops! Explore the entire museum to earn a commemorative National Constitution Center Fun Badge. Scout leaders and parents receive a Scout packet and agenda to lead them throughout the day's activities and events.

COST - You may use funds from your scout account!

Scouts: $14
Adults: $12

Click here for the 2011-2012 flier (PDF)

Requirements Covered:


Making my Family Special– 1G
Where I Live– 2D, 2G, Character Connection
Keeping Myself Healthy and Safe– 3Fa
Fun and Games– Elective 3
Song Time– Elective 6
The Show Must Go On– Elective 21
Emergency– Elective 27
See a Performance– Elective 36


Your Flag - 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e, 2f, 2g
Knowing Your Home & Community - 4a, 4b, 4c, 4f
Family Fun - 10a, 10f
Sing Along– Elective 11
Family Alert– Elective 16


What Makes American Special? - 3a, 3b, 3d, 3e, 3h, 3i, 3j
Law Enforcement is a Big Job - 7a, 7b, 7d, 7e, 7f
Be Ready - 11a, 11b, 11c, 11d,11 e, 11g


Citizen Activity Badge- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15
Ready Man Activity Badge– 2,3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Showman Activity Badge– Drama 17

Scout Night at the Phillies - April 3, 2012
The 2nd Annual Cuboree - May 18 to 20, 2012

  • Last year's cost was $25 for Cubs and $15 for Adults
  • PACK 133 will subsidize this trip by $10.00 for each Cub (Updated)
  • PACK 133 Leaders will attend this trip for FREE!
  • The Cuboree Planning Team is currently organizing the upcoming trip.
  • Click here to see pictures from the 2011 Cuboree

Cub Scout Day Camp Roxborough Scout House Roxborough Area June 25 - 29 9:00 - 3:00

This day camp is organized by our good friends over in the Northern District, and supported by many Cub Leaders in Triune District including Pack 16 and Pack 133.

Cub Scouts $100; after June 1st $125
Registration closes 2 weeks before the start of each camp; NO WALK INS.


Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master
@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church
6361 Lancaster Avenue, Phila., PA 19151

Photo Album
Tel: 267-329-9332

MEETINGS (Sep. 2011 - Jun 2012)
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)

Wendy Palmer, Chairperson e-mail:
Gloria Shabazz, Treasurer e-mail:
Regina Gray, Secretary e-mail:

Philadelphia Scout Shop
-Located in the Bruce S. Marks Center, 22nd & Winter Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *Free Parking!* (Need Directions? Use or

Official BSA Cub Scouts Age Guidelines for Dens

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