Thursday, November 8, 2012

CUB PACK 133 11/8/12 eNews: Scouts Earn Volunteer Service Hours 9:30 AM - 1 PM @ 52nd St. Shoprite; Den Meetings @ 2 PM & 4 PM

Congratulations to the 44th President Barack Obama!

Inline image 1
Every president of the United States has supported the work of the Boy Scouts of America since its founding in 1910, and each served as honorary president of the BSA during his term in office.

Cub Pack 133 Parents

  • Please read the attached BSA Today November 1, 2012
  • TRIUNE District Round Table (every 2nd Monday)  Monday, Nov. 12th 7 PM - 8:30 
    • Parents & Leaders: Become informed on how to get the most out of scouting. Find out about District and Council events for scouts.  
    • Location: Scouts HQ Building, 22nd & Winters Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103
  • TRIUNE District Training Dates: Nov. 24th and Dec 1 
  • Please send in pictures from Richard Allen Museum trip for update in photo gallery
  • Volunteers Needed!
    • Transportation (Car Pool)
    • Picture Takers (please email to
    • Uniform Leaders (ask any leader how to get your cool uniform :)
  • Where to Get Uniforms? Scout Shop. 22nd & Winters Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103

Want to get a head start on registering?    

All below must be completed and returned by Parent / Guardian

  1. BSA Youth application
  2. BSA Medical Forms (
    1. Parts A&B due with Youth Application
    2. Part C is due by October 30
  3. Talent Release Form (download form)
  4. Youth Protection Handout
  5. Den Summary Sheet (signed) (  
    1. Parent only needs to sign for their youth(s) Den
  6. Parent Talent Survey
  7. Annual Dues $62
    1. $22 Registration                                   = $22
    2. $4 / month (Sept. - June)    * 10           = $40
  8. Optional Boys Life Magazine subscription        $12

How to Make Scouting FREE? 

ANSWER: Participate in Pack Fundraisers!
    1. Popcorn - October You can start Selling Sept 1!
      1. Individual Take Home Sales
        1. Popcorn Display Advertisement link
        2. Popcorn Order Form
      2. Online Popcorn Sales
        1. Sign Your Scout Up for Online Popcorn Sales
    2. Camp Cards - January
    3. Pancake Breakfast - February

TRIUNE District Membership Trifecta Day! November 10th, 10 AM - 1 PM

Parents with Youth in Class A uniforms, please come out and help support our scout District  @ Shoprite, 52nd & Parkside Avenue and scouts will earn volunteer service hours!
  1. recruit youth and adult volunteers for scouts
  2. collect cans for Scouting-for-Food 
  3. Collect cash donations for TRIUNE District Friends of Scouting campaign

Site Coordinator: Regina Gray, Pack 133 Tiger Leader & District Secretary 267-528-8909

Den Meetings - Saturday, Nov. 10th 2012
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade) 

Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)
  • Cub Books are required.
  • Parents & Leaders: Last 1/2 hour will be devoted to Scouting for Food Bag Distribution. May need volunteers to transport youth to nearby densely populated block to distribute bags in door ways.
  • Bags will be recollected next week with can goods. 

Den Meetings - Saturday, Nov. 17th 2012
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade) 

Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade) 
  • Cub Books are required.

Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master
@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church
6361 Lancaster Avenue, Phila., PA 19151

Tel:      267-329-9332
Fax:    206-350-5152
Photo Album
Triune District Blog:

MEETINGS (Sep. 2011 - Jun 2012)
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)

Wendy Palmer, Chairperson               e-mail:
Gloria Shabazz, Treasurer                  e-mail:
Regina Gray, Secretary                      e-mail: 

Philadelphia Scout Shop
-Located in the Bruce S. Marks Center, 22nd & Winter Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *Free Parking!*  (Need Directions? Use or

Official BSA Cub Scouts Age Guidelines for Dens

Cub Scout Cliff Notes

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