Monday, March 28, 2011

Fwd: Volunteer Planned Cuboree Open For Registration (Triune District)

Volunteer Planned Cuboree Open For Registration (Triune District)
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Cuboree Planned For (and by) Local Packs

Cub Scout Camping is Back! Over the past 18 months, scouting has surged in the City of Philadelphia, exposing Philadelphia youth to citizenship, adventures, archery, camping, science achievements, and so much more. The Triune District Executive, Anthony Weiss, took note of this new cadre of Cub Leadership and approached Packs 16 (White Rock Baptist Church), Pack 147 (Trinity Lutheran Church), and Pack 133 (St. Thomas African Episcopal Church) to bring back the long lost Cuboree.

In January the Packs of the Triune District began meeting and immediately invited other Packs to join in and collaborate. Packs 98 and 189 joined with the other packs. Camp HART was selected for the site during the weekend of Friday, May 13 - 15, 2011. Activities are scheduled to include fishing, camp fires, hiking, and so much more!

Terry Johnson, Cubmaster Pack 16 says "this is a great time for our Cubs to get re-introduced to the woods and away from the video games". Ms. Curry, Den Leader, Pack 189 added "I am looking forward to working with other Packs!". "We have gone camping before, but not this big of a camping event," stated Mr. Winfield, Cubmaster, CP 98. Mr. Wilson, the Assistant Cub Master for CP 133 remarked "scouting has a proven pathway of success for our youth. It is great that Packs from in and around Philadelphia will get a chance to scout and grow together."   

Unit Sign-Up Flier

Flier for Advertisement Within Unit

Campership Forms Available

Its that time of season! Camperships are need-based aid provided to scouts attending Cradle of Liberty sponsored camping programs.  This aid can reduce the cost of camp by up to 50%.  To apply, you will need to fill out the below application, and submit it to your Unit Leader for their certification.  Once it is certified, camperships should be submitted to Anthony Weiss (District Executive) with a 50$ deposit for each application.  All applications must be received by May 1st.  For more information, please contact Anthony Weiss.

Camperships are available for our council-sponsored camps, including Cub Scout Day Camp, Cub Adventures at Camp Hart, Cub Weekends at Camp Garrison, and Boy Scout Summer Camp at Resica Falls.

Download your campership form here.

Cub Scout Summer Camping Opportunities
Cub Scouts have the opportunity to participate in three unique programs this summer.  If your Pack would like to stay local, the Triune District is recommending the Northern District Day Camp, which is held the week of July 27th.  If you are looking for a sleep-away opportunity, we recommend signing up for either Cub Adventures or Cub Weekends at Camp Garrison.

Friends of Scouting Season
Friends of Scouting is our annual giving campaign to assist in sustaining Scouting in the Philadelphia region.  The monies contributed to this campaign help fund programs such as:

  • Camperships to in-need families
  • Scout Resource Centers in Philadelphia and Valley Forge
  • 2 camping reservations operating a total of 4 camps
  • Cub Scout Summer Camping
Please contact Anthony Weiss (District Executive) to schedule a Friends of Scouting presentation for your unit.  You can make you pledge now by going to

Important Dates
4/04 - Planning Meeting for Sping Cuboree
3/31 - Drop Date for any January Recharter units
4/4 - Committee Meeting
4/18 - Roundtable and OA Meeting
4/29 - Spring Boy Scout Camporee
5/1 - Camperships Due

Important Announcement
If your unit's recharter was due in January and it is not complete, your unit will be dropped on March 31st.  You will need to stop conducting any programming as your unit will no longer be covered by liability insurance or accident insurance.  Your unit will also be removed from the database. Please contact Anthony Weiss immediately to develop a plan to complete your recharter in a timely manner.
Outstanding Recharters:
Packs: 45, 72, 98, 133, 147, 152, 176
Troops: 72, 93, 147, 270, 350, 400, 871

Philadelphia Scout Shop Under New Management
The Philadelphia Scout shop is now under the care of Mr. Don Wallace.  Don, a long-time Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, and Crew Advisor has been working on improving the selection of items as well as the overall atmosphere of the downtown Scout shop.  Currently, Don is compiling a sheet for every unit which lists all of the required uniform items.  Come down sometime to fill out a form for your unit and get to know Don.

Contact Your District Leadership
Anthony Weiss - District Executive
215-988-9811 x144
Lou Perseghin - Quality Unit Executive
215-988-9811 x227
Charles West - District Chairman
Christine Shaw - District Commissioner

Visit Our Website
Visit our District's website for up-to-date information regarding upcoming events and other important resources.
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Our mailing address is:
Triune District, Cradle of Liberty Council - Boy Scouts of America
22nd and Winter Streets
Boy Scouts of America
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103

Add us to your address book

Copyright (C) 2011 Triune District, Cradle of Liberty Council - Boy Scouts of America All rights reserved.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

CUB PACK TRIP Saturday 04/02/2011: United States Colored Troops Civil War Weekend!

Cub Family,

Please join us for a Great Day for our Scouts to learn about our Civil War History!

Pack is covering entry fee for all Scouts. We will setup a Cook Out style area in the grounds so please bring your blankets, food and other refreshments. Pack will supply grill, hot dogs, hamburgers, and salad for trip!

DATE: Saturday, April 2, 2011
TIME: 10:30 AM - 4:00 PM
(Meet @ Church @ 10:30 AM; Leave for Fort Miflin by 11 AM; ETA 11:30 AM)

Fort Miflin & Hog Island Road, Philadelphia, PA 19153

If You Can't Make Meetup @ 10:30 AM, NO PROBLEM!
Just meet us at Fort Miflin when you can.

CUB PACK -EAA CSI Mystery Night Activity on Fri. 4/15/2011!

Must Register to attend

is sponsoring a FUN CSI Science Mystery Night entitled

Come join the Cub Family where our kids can enjoy science and have a great time!

EAA is the sponsor of the MathTech Saturday Academy and

the upcoming MathTech Summer Academy for Summer 2011.

Applications will soon be available. You may be able to pick one up at this event!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The CUBOREE is Back! May 13 - 15, 2011

The Great Philadelphia Area
Spring 2011 Cuboree!


1300 Camp Rd, Pennsburg, PA 18073, USA
Camp Site: Red Fox

Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master 215-740-6701
Darwin Beauvais, Den Leader 215-906-5316
Anthony Gray, Asst. Den Leader 215-620-9815

Driving Directions

MAP of Camp Grounds

And Yes, Pack 133 is Participating in Force!

Leader Dana, Organize Something!

Leader Anthony, Them Cubs Need PT!

Leader Darwin, Spit those Lyrics! (Yes You Can bring Your Air Mattress!)

Now Repeat After Me "1-3-3..., The Crew is Called CSP, and If You Want to Have Fun, Come Join The Cub Scouts with Me" - Leader Joel

Philadelphia Area Packs Cuboree Flyer

We Will Subsidize All 133 Scouts $10,
if Balance of $15 is Paid By 4/19/2011
Fall 2010 Camporee - Our Cubs were the only Pack to attend Boy Scout Camporee! See more!

Required Forms & Camping Items

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Invitation: SCOUT DAY on PARKWAY: Philadelphia Book Festival & Philad... @ Sat Apr 16 10am - 5pm (

SCOUT DAY on PARKWAY: Philadelphia Book Festival & Philadelphia Science Festival!

Cub Science Exhibit Booth!

Pack 133 is coordinating an Exhibit in the Science Fair for the Council (COLBSA) on Saturday 4/16 10am - 5pm in conjunction with Packs 16, 98, 147 & 189. The purpose of the both to promote:

We will need Leaders & Parents to sign up for 1 - 2 hours slots to man booth.

These events will serve as the Pack Trip for April!

SCOUT DAY on PARKWAY: Philadelphia Book Festival & Philadelphia Science Festival!

SCOUT DAY on PARKWAY: Philadelphia Book Festival & Philadelphia Science Festival!

With more than 70 Author and Literary Exhibitors, the Philadelphia Book Festival Street Fair is the largest literary street fair in the region. This free, open-air event will be held at the Parkway Central Library on Philadelphia's busy and beautiful Benjamin Franklin Parkway on Saturday, April 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and will feature interactive exhibits, family-friendly events, and engaging programming on multiple outdoor stages. Buy books, discover new authors, and connect with the literary community, while you enjoy music, food, and fun at our fifth annual Festival Street Fair!

Sat Apr 16 10am – 5pm Eastern Time
The Parkway Between FREE Library and Franklin Institute (map)
Joel Wilson, ACM CP 133 - organizer

Going? Yes - Maybe - No more options »

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To stop receiving future notifications for this event, decline this event. Alternatively you can sign up for a Google account at and control your notification settings for your entire calendar.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

Cub Pack Parent Committee Meeting - Saturday 3/26/2011 12:30pm - 2:00pm


The church is a having a Story Telling Program in the Great Hall on Saturday, April 26, 2011 from 12pm - 2pm. This will give the parents to meet in the 3rd Floor Scout Suite from 12:30pm - 2pm.

Cub Scout Program will be abridged, 2pm - 3pm

Weblos 3:30pm - 4:00pm

Open Volunteer Positions

  • Asst. Treasurer / Cub Treasurer
    • This position will report to the Assistant Cubmaster, but will work in conjunction with the Treasurer with these specifics duties;
      • Business, Office, Accounting, Book Keeping Experience are Welcome, but not Mandatory.
      • Must be comfortable writing check and balancing a check book.
      • Must be proficient in using Internet, e-mail and ability to send attachment files on computer.
      • Collect all money from Cub parents for all activities, to include registration etc. Ensure receipts are given for all money collected.
      • Make deposits of all money collected with a deposit receipt and explanation of deposits given to the Treasurer.
      • Maintain record of Cub program budget, determine cost estimates, etc. keeps track of all Cub expenditures.
      • Coordinate with Cub leaders on expenses, reimbursements, petty cash advances, etc.
  • Public Relations / Fund Raising - Parent must posses very good verbal and written communication skills. Develop correspondence to local museums soliciting FREE tickets for our Scout program. Identify select entities and/or foundations that support youth programs and solicit for donations. Use our blog and photo album as collateral in solicitations. Additionally, we need 1 additional fund raiser, such as bowling or skating party, before Scout Year is over to make sure we can fund our programs successfully.
  • Photography / Videographer (3 persons) take digital pictures at scouting events and upload into photo album and/or transfer to Asst. Cubmaster (ACM)
  • Cub Seamstress - Sew scouts badges on once per month during regular meeting times
  • Blue & Gold Awards Ceremony Chairperson - Need a coordinator for the Blue & Gold which will be held in June of 2011. Develop correspondence with local supermarkets and other select entities for donations for upcoming Blue & Gold banquet.
  • How Would You Like to Volunteer? Let us know your Cub friendly idea, and I am sure we can make it fit into the Cub Program!
Time Permitting

  • Cuboree Update
  • Summer Camp Options Update
  • How to view Blog
  • The New Online Scouts Photo Album
  • How to access Scout Calendar

Fwd: Overbrook School for the Blind Pancake Breakfast 27 March 2011

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Date: Fri, Mar 18, 2011 1:31 am
Subject: Overbrook School for the Blind Pancake Breakfast 27 March 2011
To: "J.R. Brockman" <>

Lions Clubs International


The Overbrook Lion’s Club who we affiliate with on joint ventures will be hosting again their Overbrook School for the Blind annual Pancake Breakfast.  This breakfast is held at the Overbrook School for the Blind located at 6333 Malvern Avenue on Sunday 27 March starting at 8:00 a.m. and continues to about 12:00 noon.  The purpose is to raise funds for the school.  Nearly 500 people attend this event.


Boy Scout Troop 133 has volunteered their services to work with the Lions in helping to serve breakfast.  All Boy Scouts are asked to participate that day.  Parents and Cub Scouts are asked to come out and help support the school and the Lions.  Tickets are normally $10.00 or less.


Yours in Scouting,



J.R. Brockman


Troop 133



Fwd: $600 Club

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 10:02 pm
Subject: $600 Club
To: "J.R. Brockman" <>, "Victor Morrow" <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, <>
Cc: "joel" <>, <>

Congratulations and thank you again to scouts and participating parents of the $600 club!!!

This is a reminder to RSVP by Monday, March 21st if you intend to participate in the celebration next Saturday, March 26, 2011.  Please see the flier in the trailing e-mail and note the time and place.

If your scout needs a ride to Arnolds Family Fun Center please also response to this e-mail being certain to copy Mr. Brockman.  We will get a count of the number needing a ride, and take it from there.

Cub scouts should be accompanied by a parent.

Scouts eligible to attend are as follows;

Livingston Nathaniel
Morrow Victor
Howell Kenneth
Brockman Jason
Ashe Malik
Brockman Justin
Bundy Ronovan

Morrow Alexander
Waters Jordan
Neubauer Samuel
Shabazz Ali
Arrington Sufyan
Arrington Samir

If you have any questions please contact me or Mr. Brockman.


Walt Livingston
Troop 133 Treasurer

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Jennifer Dotter" <>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 9:07:49 AM
Subject: $600 Club

Dear Leaders,


Below is the information for this year's $600 club event. Please RSVP with a list of the Scouts in your unit that made it into the $600 club and plan on attending this event.



Jennifer Dotter

Development Director

Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA

1485 Valley Forge Road

Wayne, PA 19087

Direct: 484-654-9211

Fax: 610-688-2951


Thursday, March 17, 2011

PARENTS & LEADERS: Sign Up for New Cradle of Liberty Council (COLBSA) eZine!

*Plus* CONTEST for Scouts - Suggest a new name for eZINE! See below for details.

Joel Wilson, ACM CP 133

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Cradle of Liberty Council" <>
Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2011 10:07 pm
Subject: The LAST BSAT – Cradle of Liberty Council
To: "" <>

Share The News: Click here if you would like to send this information to one or more friends. Your friends will not be added any mailing list.

Coming SoonGreetings Scouters and friends of the Cradle of Liberty Council!

You are receiving this e-mail because your address is in on one of our distribution lists, collected throughout the past few years as a way to communicate with our members and partners.

In the next few weeks, we will be moving to using Constant Contact, a more professional and reliable e-mail service, in order to bring you better communications regarding the Cradle of Liberty Council and all of the great Scouting programs we offer.

When you sign up for our new service using the link below, you will be the first to hear a MAJOR announcement in the first official mailing. Don't miss out!

In addition, we are looking for a new name for our council newsletter, formerly titled the “BSA Today.” If you have any suggestions, please mail them to The best suggestion will be used for forthcoming issues!

Please take a moment to sign up with the link below for this brand new e-mail service. When you sign up, you can opt-in to a variety of lists, including ones specific to Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturing, as well as for your specific district or county. You can choose to opt-in to as many of these lists as you want, but signing up will automatically place you on the main list to receive the general council newsletter.

Please keep in mind that we have not nor will we ever make our e-mail listing public or sell it to a third party. This is only for communication with our members and friends, and we value your trust.

Email Newsletter icon, E-mail Newsletter icon, Email List icon, E-mail List icon Sign up for our Email Newsletter
For Email Marketing you can trust

Thank you in advance for signing up. Remember to look for a MAJOR announcement in the first issue!



Please Touch Museum

The Cradle of Liberty Council Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce the Please Touch Museum as our newest program partner!

Please Touch Museum is now offering Scouts and their families a great discounted price to spend the day at the children’s museum in Philadelphia. To purchase tickets at a special discounted ticket rate go directly to the online store at and enter our organization’s personalized Store Name “Boy Scouts.”

Please Touch Museum is open Monday-Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sundays 11 a.m.-5 p.m. For more information please visit If you have any questions, feel free to contact Jessica Quach at 215-581-3174. We hope you and your family are able to enjoy Please Touch Museum soon.


Philadelphia Soul Logo 

Philadelphia Soul Scout Night 2011

Friday, May 13th at 7:05pm v.s. Georgia Force

Tickets start at just $9 and include a commemorative patch

Opportunity for cub scouts to earn Flag Football Belt Loop, as well as for Boy Scouts to fulfill requirements towards the Sports Merit Badge

For more information or to place your order today contact Bob Capewell at 215-253-4900 x 176 or


New Tour Plan

The tour permit process was replaced effective March 1, 2011.  Units planning to travel for an outing will now need to file a “Tour Plan” with the local council.

In order to make for a smooth transition for volunteers, and given that national council only recently announced these changes, we will still review plans filed on tour permit applications if submitted in the next few weeks.

Just be aware that new trips being planned that require council review will need to have the new “Tour Plan” form submitted. Attached you will find the new Tour Plan Worksheet and a document prepared by our Risk Management Committee that might be helpful to you as a unit leader.

For further information, visit the national “Tour Plan” website. Please dispose of any “Tour Permit” forms you may have and replace them with the attached “Tour Plan” forms.

Key differences in the new plan include:

-The council is the reviewer of all tour plans; no regional review is required.
-The tour plan consists of a tour planning worksheet that is completed by the unit/contingent. After processing, the council retains the tour planning worksheet and returns the tour plan to the unit.
-The plan can be printed on standard 8 ½-by-11-inch paper!
-21- vs. 14-day advance notice requested for units to submit the plan for your review.
-A single point of contact (not on the tour) for council use included.
-Defined reasons/times when a tour plan must be submitted for council review.
-Updated Pledge of Performance.

For more information and to download the new Tour Plan form, please visit:


Click Here to see the calendar of events.


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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cub Pack 133 News - Updated 3/14/2011 / Y Fitness Day is Sat. March 19, 2011!

Parents & Leaders,

Our Pack is growing (30+ Scouts) and more importantly, providing good quality life experiences for our boys!

Pack 133 had a good showing at the Triune District Pinewood Derby yesterday with 12 scouts participating, and 7 winning trophies. We have a new Photo Album accessible via our blog (or

Photo Album can also be reached directly via

New Parent Committee Members

Thank you for recently signing up to be on the Parent Committee. Please be sure to complete the Family Talent Survey and get it back to me ASAP. You do not have to complete BSA Parent Comittee Application to volunteer for one of the below positions.

Open Volunteer Positions

  • Asst. Treasurer / Cub Treasurer
    • This position will report to the Assistant Cubmaster, but will work in conjunction with the Treasurer with these specifics duties;
      • Business, Office, Accounting, Book Keeping Experience are Welcome, but not Mandatory.
      • Must be comfortable writing check and balancing a check book.
      • Must be proficient in using Internet, e-mail and ability to send attachment files on computer.
      • Collect all money from Cub parents for all activities, to include registration etc. Ensure receipts are given for all money collected.
      • Make deposits of all money collected with a deposit receipt and explanation of deposits given to the Treasurer.
      • Maintain record of Cub program budget, determine cost estimates, etc. keeps track of all Cub expenditures.
      • Coordinate with Cub leaders on expenses, reimbursements, petty cash advances, etc.
  • Photography / Videographer (3 persons) take digital pictures at scouting events and upload into photo album and/or transfer to Asst. Cubmaster (ACM)
  • Cub Seamstress - Sew scouts badges on once per month during regular meeting times
  • Blue & Gold Awards Ceremony Chairperson - Need a coordinator for the Blue & Gold which will be held in June of 2011.
  • How Would You Like to Volunteer? Let us know your Cub friendly idea, and I am sure we can make it fit into the Cub Program!
Cub Day of Fitness & West Philly Y, Satruday March 19, 2011 1pm - 4pm

Class B Uniform (Sweat pants or shorts and sneakers. Solid navy blue or gold T-shirt is fine). Please wear Cub/Weblos Hat

  • Will cover Physical Fitness Achievements for Tiger, Wolf, Bears & Weblos in Scout Book for Rank Achievement
  • Swimming Test will be administered (NOT mandatory!)
  • FREE Swim Time!
  • Healthy Lunch & Snack :)

Scouts Night @ The Phillies Game! A few tickets are still Victor Morrow II, Unit Committee Chairman, cell: 215-908-9046,

FYI - Parents, you can have a FREE birthday celebration at the Den or Pack meeting with built-in kids at No Charge! Simply, just let me know at least 1 week in advance for planning purposes. You will be responsible for any and all refreshments, activities, etc.

Congratulations to Weblos Samir & Joel for acceptance into MathTech Saturday Program!

MathTech has a FREE Five (5) Week (July 5 - August 5, 2011) Summer Program for students entering 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th Grades. Please e-mail me if you are interested and I will get application to you when available. Also, feel free to contact Educational Advancement Alliance for more information

Joel Wilson
Assistant Cubmaster
Pack 133

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Message

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Thursday, March 10, 2011


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 10:33 AM

Dear Parents,


During the entire month of March you will hear me ask for your Scout's Medical Form.  This is the large two page medical form that must be completed by your Scout's physician.  If you have not turn this form in you should do so now. This form is especially critical if your Scout is going to summer camp.  Every year there is a problem where medical forms are submitted late or submitted but not filled out properly.  By turning your medical form in now, it can be reviewed and it ensures we have the medical form ready in time for camp.


The importance of the medical form cannot be understated.  Hopefully it will never have to be used, however in a medical emergency, this form could be vital in ensuring that your Scout receives the proper medical treatment, especially if there are special circumstances, such as certain illnesses, medications, allergies, etc.  Additionally this medical form ensures that the proper contact information is on hand. 


Also, this is an annual form meaning it expires after one year.  All returning Scouts should have received this form in September.  This form will be distributed again in September at the beginning of the Scout year.  Each year you will need to have this form completed.  The expectation is, once you receive the form you will get it completed and turn it in as soon as possible.  Therefore the due date is as soon as you can get the form completed and no later than the end of the March.  If you are a new Scout and just joined, the expectation is the same that you will get the form completed as soon as possible.


If you have not turned in your form, please make an appointment with your Scout physician now to be able to turn your form in as soon as possible.  The form is online at  If you need a copy of the form you can print it out from here.  Additionally you can fill out information online and print it out.  You may print it as separate 11 x 81/2 sheets or by one 11 x 17 sheet.  We also have forms available at every Scout meeting. 


Please follow these instructions:


   1.  Do not attach immunization records to the form.

   2.  Do not attache a copy of the physical to the form.

   3.  Read the form completely and fill in all necessary information.

   4.  Please take note to fill in the immunization information.

   5.  Once the form is completed make a copy for yourself.

   6.  You must attached a copy of your health insurance card. (This is the only document that can be attached).



The importance of your cooperation on this matter is part of our number one priority and this the safety and well being of all our Scouts.  I must insist that you take the time to attend to this matter. If you have already submitted your form, I appreciate your cooperation.  If you are having problems getting a doctor's appointment or some other issue, please contact me immediately and will try to find a way to help. However, please contact me as soon as possible.


Additionally there is another one page form titled 'Personal Health and Medical Record Class 1'.  This form should be completed as well.  This form does not require a doctor's signature and should be filled out and turned in right away.  This does require recording immunization dates.  If you have that information bring it to the next Scout meeting and a form will be available for you to fill out.  The purpose of this form is to provide basic health information for leaders to have on file.


Thank you,


Yours in Scouting,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133
