Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fwd: EAGLE SCOUT COURT OF HONOR Sunday 12 June 2011

----- Forwarded message -----
From: "J.R. Brockman" <brock.man@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2011 10:50 pm
Subject: EAGLE SCOUT COURT OF HONOR Sunday 12 June 2011
To: "J.R. Brockman" <brock.man@comcast.net>

Dear Scouts and Parents,


On Sunday 12 June we will conduct an Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  This is a ceremonious occasion where a Scout is awarded the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts.  The standard still stands today that only less than 5% of all boys who enter in Scouting will reach this goal.  This is a tremendous occasion and in the more than 13 years of reactivation this is the only sixth Eagle Scout of Honor that we have had. 


To date only ten Scouts out of the more than 125 to 150 boys who have come through the St. Thomas program have reached this mark.  This court of honor will be for Jason and Justin Brockman.  In addition to being a proud Scoutmaster I am a proud father as well.  It was hoped that Scout Nate Livingston would be included, however the timing did not work out for all steps to be completed.  Nate who has completed all of his requirements for the rank of Eagle will have his Court of Honor in the fall.


All Scouts are included in the celebration and are part of the ceremony.  All families are invited to attend.  The ceremony is set to start at 5:00 p.m.  All Cub Scouts are asked to arrive no later than 4:30 p.m.  All Boy Scouts are to report no later than 1600 hrs (4:00 p.m.)  Cub Scouts may meet in the Undercroft.  All Boy Scouts will report to the Great Hall.  Both the troop and pack will march in as part of the ceremony. 


Uniform for that day is full Class “A” uniform.  The ceremony will take place in the sanctuary of St. Thomas.  Afterwards there will be a reception in the Great Hall.  All families are asked to R.S.V.P. with the number of persons attending including your Scout.  This is very important to ensure there are enough refreshments for everyone.  Thank you for your cooperation.


Yours in Scouting, 


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133




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