*NEW* CUB PACK 133 TXT MSG Service SignUp! If you are a Pack 133 parent and are not receiving text messages, please signup below.
SCOUT FUNDRAISER DISCOUNT CAMP CARDS: Quickly EARN $62.50 toward SUMMER CAMP by selling $5 DISCOUNT CARDS!! (Click link for more info) - PROGRAM ENDS Friday, May 11, 2012
VIDEO GAMES & CELL PHONES are prohibited at Cub Scout activities unless specifically requested. If child must carry phone for safety, he must keep it in his pocket and only use in an emergency.
CUB SCOUTS BOOKS are required at all Den Meetings. Please be sure to inform your Den Leader when activities are completed at home, school or other locations so they can sign your book and update our records for your scout's rank advancement.
Saturday, May 5, 2012 - Den Meetings
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)
Please bring your tent to practice putting up tent for upcoming camping trips!
* NOTE: Pack 133 Webelos are NOT going to Boy Scout Spring Camporee
* NOTE: Pack 133 Webelos are NOT going to Boy Scout Spring Camporee
Friday, May, 11, 2012 - Joint Pinewood Derby Race with Pack 176 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
- Come out and enjoy some Cub Family Fun with our good friends at Pack 176 and race your derby car again to win even more prizes.
- Pizza will be served
- Parents fell free to bring any healthy food or beverage donation for at least 10 people
- Please RSVP # of attendance to joel.cp133@gmail.com
Saturday, May 12, 2012 - OPTIONAL PARENT LEAD TRIP
- Several Pack 133 uniform male leaders are participating on a panel at upcoming Black Male Symposium Forum at Arcadia University and will not be available to run program on this day.
- Optional PARENT Lead Event - National Train Day http://www.nationaltrainday.com
- Recommend families take train from Overbrook Station and attend event.
- PARENTS & LEADERS: If you would like to coordinate a "meetup" for this event please let me know ASAP and I will push your information out via text message
The 2nd Annual Cuboree! - May 18 to 20, 2012
NEW 2012 Flyer http://bit.ly/2012CuboreeFlyer
2012 Press Release http://bit.ly/2012CuboreePressRelease
- Only $25 for Cubs and $15 for Adults! {LATE FEES MAY BE IN EFFECT, sorry!}
- Pay Online via Credit/Debit Card or Check s.colbsa.org/cuboree
- Pay via CASH at Den Meetings, Sat. 4/28/2012
- PACK 133 Leaders will attend this trip for FREE!
- *NEW* Webelos Trek - Earn ReadyMan, Outdoorsman and start your Naturalist Belt Loops! (requirements for coveted Arrow of Light lifetime designation)
- CUBOREE Guidelines (Camping Supply List, Menu, Adult & Youth Participation Requirements and Volunteer Needs)
- Click here to see pictures from the 2011 Cuboree
Webelos II Arrow of Light Cross Over to Boy Scouts Ceremony, June 9th 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
- PACK Event - All Dens
- Family & Friends of Webelos II Honorees are invited to attend the celebration. Please RSVP the number of guest to joel.cp133@gmail.com
End of Scout Year Den Meetings & Cookout!
Smith Playground Rules link
June 16th, 9am - 2:00pm @ 33rd & Oxford Street Recreation Area
* Smith Playground * Golf * Frisbee golf * Ultimate Frisbee * PLEASE RSVP Scouts, Parents & Leaders Attendance to joel.cp133@gmail.com / Txt to 267-329-9332
- 9:00am Parent Volunteers - Base Camp Setup (tent, grill, )
- 9:00am - 9:50am Webelos & Bears - Golf Range (earn Golf Belt Loop)
- 10:00am - 10:50am Webelos & Bears - Frisbee Golf (earn Ultimate belt loop)
- 10:00am - 11:50am Tigers & Wolfs - short hike & visit to Smith Playground
- Bears & Webelos have option to visit Smith Playground @ 11am (parents must escort)
- 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm LUNCH
- 1:00pm - 1:50Pm Ultimate Frisbee (earn Ultimate belt loop)
- 1:30pm - 2:00 pm Clean Up / Leave No Trace
Cub Scout Day Camp Roxborough Scout House | Roxborough Area June 25 - 29, 9:00am - 3:00pm | |
| This day camp is organized by our good friends over in the Northern District, and supported by many Cub Leaders in Triune District including Pack 16 and Pack 133. |
I: Cub Scout Investigators - 2012 Cub Scout Day Camp
Your Mission: Register for Cub Scout Day Camp
Day Camp is a five day, fun-filled experience that offers opportunities for all levels of Cub Scouting, from Tigers to Arrow of Light, to participate in activities that are designed to build mental fitness, physical skills and character...and its A LOT OF FUN!
While we will always have regular camp activities such as nature, science, woodcraft, leather craft, shooting sports and fishing (where available)...we also get to include fun themed crafts and activities too!
Day Camp dates run from June through August and are located all over council convenient to your home. Sign up for one week, two weeks, or more and keep your Scout having fun and even earning rank achievements over the summer!
Cub Scouts are $100 for the week. (Late fee of $25 after June 1)
Have a sibling? Bring them along!
Ages 3-6 are $15 for Kids Korner (with age appropriate activities)
Ages 7-10 are $100 and participate in the FULL Scout program.
Have an older sibling or Scout? They can help as a Den Chief. (with training)
Adults who volunteer all week can bring their Cub Scout to camp for FREE! (1 Scout per FT volunteer)
Registration includes all crafts, activities, a camp shirt and a patch. Bring your own lunch.
Registration is online this year with printable forms available for those submitting campership applications. Printed forms must be used for those submitting camperships, online registration will charge the full amount.
Want More Cub Day Camp Choices?
Check out the Cub Scout Day Camp 2012 information on the Council webiste by clicking here
Check out the Cub Scout Day Camp 2012 information on the Council webiste by clicking here
or contact Cub Camp Staff Advisor BettyAnn Atkinson at 484-654-9234 or batkinson@colbsa.org
for questions or more information.
Joel Wilson, Asst. Cub Master
@ St. Thomas Episcopal Church
6361 Lancaster Avenue, Phila., PA 19151
E-mail: Joel.cp133@gmail.com
Tel: 267-329-9332
Blog http://PhillyScouts133.blogspot.com
Photo Album http://bit.ly/cp133photos
Triune District Blog: http://triune.colbsa.net
MEETINGS (Sep. 2011 - Jun 2012)
Cubs: 2pm - 3:30pm Tiger Den (1st Grade), Wolf Den (2nd Grade), Bear Den (3rd Grade)
Weblos: 4pm - 5:30pm (4th & 5th Grade)
Wendy Palmer, Chairperson e-mail: rvpwendy@yahoo.com
Gloria Shabazz, Treasurer e-mail: gshabazz@msn.com
Regina Gray, Secretary e-mail: angelsent1102@yahoo.com
Philadelphia Scout Shop -Located in the Bruce S. Marks Center, 22nd & Winter Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103 *Free Parking!* (Need Directions? Use http://maps.google.com or www.septa.org)
Official BSA Cub Scouts Age Guidelines for Dens
Cub Scout Cliff Notes
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