| | | | Dear Scouter, | "The Challenges and Rewards of Urban Scouting," featuring Officer Thomas and ScoutReach Pack 842, is now an award-winning video!!! Click to Watch Video. The video, shown at the 2011 Gala and 2012 Recognition Dinner, was submitted to be considered for the National President's Award for Marketing Excellence. In June we received word that it was recognized with the "Best Multicultural Marketing Award." Our council has received recognition on the BSA Marketing Toolbox, in the National President's Awards for Marketing Excellence brochure, and at the BSA National Annual Meeting in Orlando. Congratulations to everyone involved, including our former team members, Jos Diaz and Lou Perseghin, who put in a lot of work to make the video a success!
Yours in Souting, Dave Bryan, Editor DBryan@colbsa.org For a full list of upcoming Council events and activities, refer to the Council Master Calendar on the Council website. Share your thoughts here. Don't forget, we need YOUR help to bring the most relevant news about the Cradle of Liberty Council to your inbox. Any feedback on this newsletter would be greatly appreciated, as would suggestions for material to include in upcoming issues. Please send any feedback or suggestions to news@colbsa.org | | | | Council-Wide Roundtable
| This year's council-wide roundtable will be better than ever! Join us for a night of fellowship and gather the resources that your unit will need for our fall campaigns. Program Partners and Council Committees will be on display throughout the Midway. There will also be individual program breakouts and open forums to discuss our council plans for youth recruitment, membership growth and unit fundraising. Dinner will be available and all leaders from all levels are invited to join us! Monday, August 27 at Camp Garrison Dinner @ 6pm, Meeting @ 7pm There is no charge for this event. We do ask that you register your intent to attend by clicking here so that we have enough food for all. Camp Garrison is at 4021 Upper Ridge Road, Pennsburg, PA 18076. |
Popcorn Kickoff Events | Whether your unit is a seasoned seller or 2012 will be your first year for selling popcorn, be sure to have a representative or representatives from your unit attend one of these summer popcorn kickoff events to find out all about how you can fund your entire annual program by selling popcorn this fall! - Receive the 2012 Popcorn Calendar
- Find out the new products
- Learn about new prizes
- Receive the materials needed for your sale
Each event will feature a joint session describing the exciting changes to the product lineup for this year and then go into breakout sessions for rookie or experienced sellers. It is important for all Popcorn Kernels to attend one of these events to obtain this year's sales materials and collateral. Please RSVP with your unit number, the name of your unit representative(s), and which event you will be attending to Amy Frantz, afrantz@colbsa.org or 484-654-9227, by July 20th. Delaware County - July 26th Montgomery County - July 31st 6:30PM - Dinner; 7:00PM - Program 6:30PM - Dinner; 7:00PM - Program Aldan Union Church COL Valley Forge Service Center 7 East Providence Road 1485 Valley Forge Road Alden, PA 19018 Wayne, PA 19087 Philadelphia County - August 1st 6:30PM - Dinner; 7:00PM - Program St. Martin of Tours (School Hall) Saint Martin of Tours Parish 5450 Roosevelt Boulevard Philadelphia, PA 19124 |
Pardon Our Appearance! | Please be advised that, effective July 9, access to the main office area of the Firestone Scouting Resource Center in Wayne will be limited, as the council will be spending the next several weeks restructuring the cubicles and offices in the rear of the building. This will NOT affect the Valley Forge Scout Shop, volunteer access to the Resource Center, or the Reception Desk. However, we may experience intermittent periods without internet/phone access, and some staff members may be working at another location. Volunteers planning to visit a council staff member at the Valley Forge Office are recommended to contact the office in advance. Thank you for your understanding. The end result of our efforts will be a safer, cleaner, and more efficient place for our staff to work, enabling us to deliver even better service to our Scouts and Scouters than before! |
Help Wanted: Openings for Quality Unit Executives | The Cradle of Liberty Council is seeking service-minded, personable individuals with a commitment to the ideals of the BSA who are interested in having a positive impact on the lives of local elementary school-aged boys. The ideal candidate will have a thorough understanding of all aspects of the Cub Scout program, have gone through the program as a youth and/or have had a son go through the program, have experience as a registered Cub Scout leader, and have ties both within and outside of the local Scouting community. The Quality Unit Executive position is a full-time, paid position with benefits and involves assisting local Cub Scout packs with unit leader selection, leader training, membership recruitment and retention, unit program planning including fundraising and advancement, and camp promotion. This service role as a coach, counselor, mentor, and teacher requires a college degree, personal transportation to get to and from meetings on your own, and working evenings and some weekends. Training and mileage reimbursement is provided. If you are interested in joining the Cradle of Liberty field staff as a QUE, please send your resume along with a cover letter explaining why you are interested in becoming a QUE to: QUE Position Cradle of Liberty Council, BSA 1485 Valley Forge Road Wayne, PA 19087 |
CALLING ALL TOUGH SCOUTS! | Do you know a Scout that has hiked the Appalachian Trail, gone white-water rafting, performed CPR, gone cold weather camping, saved a life, or practiced survival skills? The Cradle of Liberty Council is recruiting our toughest, most adventurous Scouts to be featured in our upcoming annual magazine. We are asking Scouts to write a 1 to 3 page article about their experience and we will be selecting five essays to be featured in our Scouting magazine. Photos to accompany the essay are encouraged. Please submit questions or completed articles to Tiffany Minicozzi at tminicozzi@colbsa.org.
Council Website Training | Do You Need to Update the District Calendar? Would You Like to Post a Current Committee Roster? Is Your Event Registration Online AND Easy To Use For Signups? This summer we're offering two opportunities (no more than 1.5 hours each) to familiarize volunteers and staff at ALL LEVELS with the Council Website, www.colbsa.org. Anyone tasked with promotions that would like to setup registrations, add article updates or publish calendar changes should send at least one representative or more for each of their respective roles and/or assignments. Each attendee will be asked to sign in and represent ONLY one task in the event that permissions need to be updated. We've scheduled two trainings for you and your staff to attend!! Anyone currently working on any assignment in any form should send a representative (OR TWO) to teach their staff!! Please join us for any OR all of the following trainings: JULY 17 - 7pm @ Marks Resource Center in Philadelphia or AUGUST 21 - 2pm & 7pm @ Firestone Resource Center in Wayne Everyone is invited and welcome to bring your laptop or other portable device. We'll be taking ideas and making website adjustments. Those Committees or Event Staff in attendance will take preference regarding future website changes, considerations, and requests. For additional information please contact Jeffrey Aster, Council Webmaster @ 215-205-4713 (jeffreyaster@yahoo.com ) or Frank Solla, Council Web Advisor @ 484-654-9238 (fsolla@colbsa.org ). |
2012 Summer Camp |
RESICA FALLS SUMMER CAMP Resica Falls is almost halfway through its 55th summer camp season, and this might be the best one so far! Appropriately this year's theme is the Olympics with [maybe not quite authentic] events from around the globe. Be sure not to miss the wet & wacky Water Olympics on Monday evening, Tuesday evening's Field Olympics, the World's Fair midway with its competitions on Wednesday afternoon, or the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies at the brand-new Richards Arena in camp. Also be sure to check out the brand-new Native America Village down by the falls, host venue for the Wednesday evening Order of the Arrow "Tap-Out" Ceremony and the Indian Lore and Archaeology merit badges. Openings are still available for Week 7! CUB FAMILY WEEKENDS & CUB ADVENTURES at CAMP HART Camp Hart Summer Camp Fees: Cub Family Weekends: $65 after May 1 Cub Adventures Short Week/Youth: $220 after May 1 Cub Adventures Short Week/Adult: $95 after May 1 Cub Adventures Full Week/Youth: $320 after May 1 Cub Adventures Full Week/Adult: $130 after May 1 NOTE - Openings still remain for Cub Family Weekends 4, July 27-29! For questions regarding Summer Camp, please contact Tracy Launders at 484-654-9213 or tlaunder@colbsa.org. |
CSI: Cub Scout Investigators - 2012 Cub Scout Day Camp |  Your Mission: Register for Cub Scout Day Camp Sign up for one week, two weeks or more and keep your Scout having fun and even earning rank during the summer! Cub Scouts are $125 per week. Adults who volunteer all week can bring their Cub Scout to camp for FREE! (Space is LIMITED.) Youth and Adult Volunteers must have proper training. Sibling program available for children of volunteers. (Cost is $15/$100 depending on program) DON'T FORGET: All Tigers (going into 1st grade) MUST have an adult partner at camp. Registration closes two (2) weeks before the first day of each camp. Check dates below! NO WALK-INS AT CAMP, ALL ATTENDING MUST PRE-REGISTER! Registration Cut Off Date | Locations Still Available | Camp Dates | July 16 | Smedley Park | July 30-Aug 3 | July 16 | Haverford Reserve (Twilight Camp) | July 30-Aug 3 | For more information including registration (online or paper forms): https://www.colbsa.org/cub-scout-day-camp/about-day-camp.html Day Camp Staff Advisor: BettyAnn Atkinson, batkinson@colbsa.org or 484-654-9234 |
2013 National Jamboree |  With eight troops filled, youth applications for the 2013 National Jamboree are still being accepted and placed in a wait list queue in case of cancellations or non-payment of fees. We also have the option of creating a ninth or even tenth troop if enough applications with deposits are received over the coming months. Boy Scouts must be at least 12 years old and have attained the First Class rank prior to the start of the Jamboree and not yet 18 by the last day of the Jamboree. Venture Scouts must be age 14 prior to the start of the Jamboree and not yet 21 by the last day of the Jamboree. For easy sign up have your BSA membership ID number handy and click on the following link: https://summit.scouting.org/en/Jamboree2013/Pages/default.aspx. If you are already signed up, please be sure to keep up to date with your monthly payments! In addition to the initial $295 deposit, you should have been making $100 monthly payments now for five (5) months (January through May) bringing your total paid to date at $795. If you are behind, you can catch up via credit card by calling the Valley Forge Office at 610-688-6900 and having your Jamboree Reference Number handy. We're talking serious High Adventure! The location for the 2013 National Scout Jamboree is the all new Summit Bechtel Reserve adjacent to the New River Gorge National River Park in West Virginia.
LIMITED EDITION 2013 CRADLE OF LIBERTY COUNCIL NATIONAL JAMBOREE PATCH NOW AVAILABLE!Show your support for local scouting by purchasing one of these attractive, limited-edition council shoulder strips. The patches sell for $10 each and are now available at the Valley Forge Service Center front desk, from any of our Council Contingent Troop Scoutmasters, and soon from any Scout signed up to attend the jamboree. All proceeds go toward our local council National Jamboree campership fund.
Training Corner - Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader! |
Just Announced! NRA Basic Rifle Instructor Course The Cradle of Liberty Council will be sponsoring a fall NRA Basic Rifle Instructor Course for any interested Council members. This is an intensive training course to be held over four sessions: Sunday, September 16, 2012 - Pre-qualification consisting of a written test and demonstration of shooting sports skills at Camp Hart. Friday evening and all day Saturday, October 19 & 20, 2012 - Basic classroom training at the Council's Valley Forge Office (Firestone Building). Sunday, October 21, 2012 - Range training at Camp Hart. You must attend all four sessions to be qualified as a Rifle Instructor. Save the dates for now. Registration details will be announced soon in this newsletter and on our Council website. Cub Leader Specific Training October 6, 2012, Washington District - Contact Mark Kenney for more info. October 7, 2012, Aldan Union Church - Contact Jim Foster for more info. October 10, 2012, Trinity Lutheran Church - Tiger & Den Leader Specific Training. Contact William Forbes for more info. November 14, 2012, Trinity Lutheran Church - Pack Committee & Cubmaster Training. Contact William Forbes for more info. Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) Training - Now required for all Scoutmasters, and by the end of this year for all Assistant Scoutmasters. October 19, 2012, Nelson Training Center - Contact Jim Foster for more info. October 26-27, 2012, Nelson Training Center - Contact Jim Foster for more info. Outdoor Webelos Leader (OWL) Training October 19, 2012, Nelson Training Center. Contact Jim Foster for more info. October 26, 2012, Nelson Training Center. Contact Jim Foster for more info. Sea Badge - October 5-7, 2012, location TBD - Contact Regina McTeague for more info.
Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Specific Training - Now required for all Scoutmasters, and by the end of this year for all Assistant Scoutmasters. September 29, 2012, Gladwyne Firehouse - Contact Paul Heiney for more info. October 6, 2012, Washington District - Contact Mark Kenney for more info. October 7, 2012, Aldan Union Church - Contact Jim Foster for more info. This is Scouting & Youth Protection Training - September 12, 2012, Trinity Lutheran Church. Contact William Forbes for more info. Venturing Leader Specific Training - February 23, 2013, Aldan Union Church. Contact Jim Foster for more info. University of Scouting - Save the date! Saturday, November 3, 2012. Women in the Outdoors - September 7-9, 2012 at the Musser Scout Reservation. Contact Ann Peronne for more information. Wood Badge 2013 - Two 3-day weekends, September 7-9, 2013 and October 12-14, 2013. Mark your calendars. National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) - Scouting's advanced training course for Boy Scouts and Venturers
The June NYLT course came to a close with 55 scouts completing the training to be leaders in their Units. These young men and women spent six days at the Nelson Training Center learning how to be leaders. The course places them in teams of 6, who learn how to become high performing teams by week's end. The group learned by lectures, demonstrations, competitions, and videos. Everyone expressed a great wealth of the knowledge gained to lead, both themselves and their Units. The August NYLT course is full with 60 on the roster, and 7 on the waiting list. The two weekend course in Sept/Oct is nearing capacity. The dates of the weekends are September 28-30 and October 5-7, and the cost is only $250 payable with your application. If interested in attending, contact Bill Robinson for availability at 215-679-4774 or wcrobinson2@verizon.net. |
Health & Safety Tip of the Week - Practice Sun Safety |  Repeated Sunburns can cause skin damage and increased risk of skin cancer. Guard against injury from the sun by using sunscreen when you are outdoors, or by wearing a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and a hat with a broad brim. Source: Boy Scout Handbook. For more information about Sun Safety, visit the Centers for Disease Control website. | COL Eagle Scout Alumni Association - Now Meeting Every Month | The COL Eagle Alumni Association has begun meeting on the 4th Monday of each month at the Marks Scouting Resource Center. The group gathers informally at 6pm for food, and the meeting starts at 7pm. Topics and plans include support for the Eagle Recognition and Reunion Dinner in May, a new scholarship for Eagle Scouts, a service day at Camp, and networking events. Please feel free to join us at these meetings or contact Chairman Mark Chilutti at chilutti2000@aol.com for more information. |
HersheyPark Online Discount Tickets
|  Now available through Sunday, September 30, 2012, discounted tickets for HersheyPark! - Regular 1-Day Ticket - ages 9-54 - $35.75 (40% off Gate Rate)
- Jr/Sr 1-Day Admission Ticket - ages 3-8 & 55-69 - $28.50 (22% off Gate Rate)
- Senior 70+ 1-Day Admission Ticket - $21.00 (5% off Gate Rate)
- Hersheypark Prepaid Meal Ticket - $13.50 (up to 30% off Retail Prices) - Choose a meal at up to 20 food venues. All meals include entrée, side and 2012 Souvenir Cup (refills are .99 + tax all season).
Note that these rates are available by ordering online only, and are not available at HersheyPark's Front Gate the day of arrival. Discounted tickets valid for admission any day from May 4th through September 30th, 2012. Click here to access the HersheyPark online store and enter in Promo Code 55685 to receive your Cradle of Liberty BSA discount. |
Camden Riversharks Scout Overnights | Join us for a night under the stars on the outfield of Campbell's Field! For only $25 Scouts and their families will receive a 200 level ticket to the game, dinner (hot dog, chips and water) and a fireworks spectacular after the game! Participants will then set up their tents on the field and be welcomed to enjoy a movie on the video board with a snack. Wake up in the morning for breakfast and a clinic with Riversharks players! Remaining Scout nights are July 20th and August 3rd. Contact Lindsay Rosenberg at LRosenberg@riversharks.com |
Sesame Place Scout Discounts!
| All Scouts and their families are invited to spend an action packed fun filled fall day at the park. Scouts receive discounted park admission- $25.00 per person (tax inclusive), "Sesame Place CSI- Club of Science Investigators" activity sheets to guide Scouts through badge requirements and a limited-edition scout participant patch. To purchase discounted single day tickets for your group, show a piece of your Scout uniform at any ticket window. Scouts can pick up a Sesame Place CSI- Club of Science Investigators activity packet at the Welcome Center. Turn the completed packet in to receive our complimentary 2012 Scout Patch! For more information, please call Group Sales at 215-752-7070 x.222. We hope to see you there! |
SCUBA Merit Badge at Dutch Springs |  Would earning the SCUBA Merit Badge interest you? Then NorthStar Adventure at Dutch Springs is where you want to be! We can even come to your council or troop meeting to inform you all about SCUBA Diving. Or maybe you are looking to earn the Climbing, First Aid or Nature Merit Badge? All our badges are taught by Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselors. For further information please contact us at 610-759-2270 or badges@northstaradventure.com. Also check out our website at www.northstaradventure.com. |
Office Depot/Boy Scouts of America Discount Program
|  This program is open to all BSA members to use for in-store purchases of office products for their units. Visit any Office Depot®, present your program discount card and your BSA membership card and receive a 10% discount off regular retail pricing. Click here for the required program discount card plus a coupon entitling the presenter to have this card laminated for free. Copy and Print Depot™ services are also specially priced. | Coming Soon - "Voice of the Scout"
|  |
| Thank you for being a part of the Scouting movement and the Cradle of Liberty Council! If you have news or information you'd like to see in upcoming issues of the BSAT, please don't hesitate to e-mail news@colbsa.org. Sincerely, | Cradle of Liberty Council | | | |