Thursday, October 31, 2013

T133 Parent Information

Hello T133 Family,
Thank you to all the parents who continue to support us in many ways, but especially via popcorn sales, on-site popcorn selling, and also transportation for the Scouts!  We know that everyone is busy, but we would appreciate and encourage more parent/family participation, as well as feedback on our efforts to arrange activities and fundraisers for our troop.  We happily welcome Ms. Lori Morse, a Scout parent who is serving as  a new co-chair of the Troop committee.   I want to echo Mr. Brockman’s appreciation for our hardworking Treasurers and this year’s Popcorn Colonels, Ms. Donna Haughton and Ms. Samantha Pearsall – they work very hard and have given up many precious hours on the Troop’s financial business as well as popcorn sales.  Thank you to Mr. Brockman, who does so many tasks, to Mr. Sadler, Mr.  Stanley, Mr. Livingston, and Mr. Branch.  Also, we will miss the active participation of Mr. Stanley, but we know he’ll be with us whenever possible.

Reminders, announcements
·        Saturday, 11/2:  regular Scout meeting, 3-5pm followed by swimming at St. Joseph’s pool, 5-7 pm  - we will need parent assistance transporting the Scouts from St. Thomas to the pool and back
·        Saturday, 11/9 No regular Scout meeting; Chosen 300 Bowling party, Wynnewood Lanes, 5-8 pm, Cub Scouts & youth 10 & under - $5; Boy Scouts & Scout parents - $15, all others $20; all monies due 11/2;  (everyone provides their own transportation – if anyone needs a ride, please contact me)
·        See attached calendar for information on Nov and Dec events

·        Mr. Brockman has provided a lot of information about this planned trip next summer; if you still have questions, please contact him
·        If you are interested in sending your Scout, please let us know as soon as possible; we need to get a potential count for planning
·        We will be sending out a payment plan, in addition to launching fund raisers, to help defray the cost (see preliminary info below about upcoming Wreath sale)

·        You will be receiving information shortly about our wreath sale
·        High level details:  26” fresh balsam wreath, cost $25 each; gather all orders by 11/23, delivery in 2 weeks

Thank you,
T133 Troop Committee

Sandi Anderson, Co-Chair

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