Friday, May 10, 2013

Fwd: Cub Meeting Visit by Tufts University

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Date: May 9, 2013 2:26 PM
Subject: Cub Meeting Visit by Tufts University
To: "Joel Wilson, ACM CP 133" <>, "Darwin" <>, "Regina Gray" <>, "Charnette Murphy" <>, "Arlene Gray" <>, "Gloria Shabazz, CP 133 Treasurer" <>, "Naeemah Mason" <>, <>, "WENDY PALMER" <>, "Stephan Stanley" <>

Dear Leaders,
Please note that on Saturday we need to have as many Cubs and Cub Scout parents present as possible.  We will need to have a regular meeting, but also note that we will have a representative from Tufts University visit us in regards to the current study and survey that is taking place.
If you have forgotten, this is the Tuft's University study regarding boys in Scouting versus boys not in Scouting to see if there is any noticeable difference in values from those boys who were in Scouting versus those that did not participate in Scouting.  This is the first such study of it's kind and we were honored to be selected to participate.
Just to let you know we are the only Triune District that has responded through the first phase and we are entering the second phase.  Ms. Arlene Gray has some documents that need to be complete, i.e., identifying those Scouts who participated in the first survey to see if they are still around.
Those who participated will be receiving a gift card.  On another note, we have lost the HQ Bldg at 22nd & Winters Street.  I have already sent out some information to Boy Scout parents and I will send something out to Cub leaders and parents.  If you have any questions please let me know.
Yours in Scouting,
J.R. Brockman
Pack 133

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