Friday, May 10, 2013

Lost of Scout Headquarters at 22nd & Winters Street

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "J.R. Brockman" <>
Date: May 6, 2013 12:25 PM
Subject: Lost of Scout Headquarters at 22nd & Winters Street

Dear Scout Family,


By now you may heard via the news that our beloved Scout Headquarters Building located at 22nd and Winters Street will be taken away from us effective 30 June 2013.  As I knew efforts were under way to do this, no one from Council officially talked to any of the Triune District unit leaders about what was going on.  We found out via the news.


Since that time no one has spoken to us about what the future will hold.  As of right now after 30 June we will have no home for us as a District and no presence here in the city.  No one spoke to us because they did not think they needed to or that we, you, or our Scouts mattered enough to at least say what they were going to do.


The fact that they can announce that we are being evicted on 30 June but can't tell us where our Scout officials will be in the city on 1 July is also a statement in itself that we, your, or our Scouts don't matter. City officials as well have made a political decision that we, you, or our Scouts do not matter enough to ensure there is a Scout presence in the City.


I will not make this a long treatise on my emotions and feelings about what has happened. I am feeling more sad and defeated than anything.  However I refuse to give up trying to provide Scouting for our youth especially here in Philadelphia.  If you choose to do anything you can write your council person or the mayor and let him know you are disappointed at the lack of support for Scouting in the city and how you believe that Scouting has value.


Mr. Thomas Harrington, will be leaving soon as the Chief Scout Executive for the Cradle of Liberty Council as a result of a promotion.  Prior to him leaving you can write to him to say that you believe that Scouting matters in the City and that our Scouts here deserve the same respect that Scouts get in the suburbs. 


Please let your friends and family know that no one will gain from evicting us from our building and the result will be further erosion of Scouting in the City.  This action just like the previous actions to evict us had only one effect and that it served nothing more than to hurt those youth in the City who were benefiting or could have benefited from Scouting.


I have attached some documents that have come out.  You can read the words about a commitment to serving our youth.  Words do not provide meeting space for Scouts.  Actions make Scouting works and a commitment to provide the same opportunities to all youth regardless of where they live.   


Yours in Scouting,


J.R. Brockman


Troop 133




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