Saturday, March 6, 2010

FW: Scout-Tutoring

-----Original Message-----
From: J.R. Brockman []
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 9:53 PM
Subject: Scout-Tutoring

William F. Harrity Elementary School

5601 Christian Street w Philadelphia, PA 19143 ·

School: 215-471-2908 w Cell: 215-852-1616  w

Omahr Ashe




March 4, 2010


Dear Troop 133 Parents,

            I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. As many of you know, the month of April is a testing month. Students who attend school in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and are in grades 3-8, and 11 will take the PSSA. The content areas, which will be covered, are Math & Literacy for all grades. Science will be administered in grades 4 & 8, and Writing will take place in grades 5 & 8. These tests are high-stakes.


            If you would like for your son to receive additional practice and/or materials for you to use at home, please let me know. My son Malik Hudson-Ashe is a Boy Scout, and their reporting time is usually 3:30, hence, I will be available to talk with you at that time. A program, which emphasizes character and citizenship coupled with a solid education, provides that platform for a successful future.


            I look forward to talking with you.




Mr. Omahr Ashe



267-770-3673 (cell)





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