Friday, October 29, 2010

Cub Pack Parents: RESERVE Space NOW for Fantastic Summer 2011 Cub Camping Experience!

Only a $10.00 Deposit is Needed by Wednesday, November. 10, 2010 
to Hold Your Scout's Spot in 

Cub Adventures at Camp Hart :)
Pack 133 Leaders Will Be Volunteering with Summer Camp
(Parents are also encourage to Volunteer - Online Youth Protection is Required)

The Cradle of Liberty Boys Scouts of America Council (COLBSA) will provide a quality resident camping program in the summer of 2011 at Camp Hart. Camping takes you on exciting adventures into the natural world. You'll learn to live with others in the out-of-doors. You'll learn to be a good citizen of the outdoors. Camping is fun, and it's good for your mind, body, and spirit. It helps you learn to rely on yourself—on your own skills and knowledge. When you go camping as a Cub Scout, you get skills you will learn and use more, later, as a Boy Scout.

Summer Camp Programs to include Boating, Swimming Pool, Fishing, Athletics, Sling Shot Range, Archery Range, and BB Gun Range.
  • Parents Have Easy Pay as You Go Option to Make Camp Even More Affordable!
    • Pay just $10/scout meeting or $20/month
  • Fund Raising Opportunity will be available to help defray (or even totally pay for) your scout's camp cost!
  • Camp fees must be PAID in FULL by April 30, 2011!!!
FYI: Pack # 133 District: Triune

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