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Date: Wed, Oct 6, 2010 4:57 pm
Subject: Popcorn Update
Dear Scouts and Parents,
Hopefully all have been Taking Orders for popcorn at your place of work, place of worship, from friends, neighbors and family. Patrol leaders will hear from Justin Brockman to encourage them to get their patrols to their assigned sales location starting with after school Show and Sell this Friday at 30th Street Station. Cub parents are welcome to bring their cub scouts. Everyone in Class A please.
The security exercises planned for this Friday at 30th Street will not hamper our ability to be there. Station operations will continue as normal.
To date our total is over $4,200 which is more than 27% of our goal. This is very impressive considering this is still the beginning of October and many of our Scouts have not reached their individual goals.
Take Orders
Also feel free to bring any order forms with payment you have to St Thomas at 3:30 pm every Saturday during the month of October. I will exchange your payment with ordered product. Again, the primary reward for selling popcorn this year is via gift cards from Wal-Mart and Amazon. The gift cards increase in value with increased sales. The more we sell the easier the scouts can coast this year. Raising money is a big distraction from the scout program so, lets get it out of the way with abundance and early so we can focus on scout advancement!
Cub Scouts at the Post Office
We need Cub parents at the Post Office this Saturday at 10:00 a.m. While Vic Morrow has been doing a great job with his son with help from a few other cub parents, participation there too has been too light. I am soliciting cub parent help at the Post Office. My phone number is below if you are able to attend starting at 10:00. Your son will be credited with time applicable to total sales and his time there.
Show and Deliver
That method is all but a plan up to this point. If we can get the assigned patrol members with parents at the church at 11:00 a.m. to help with delivery, it is the only way that method will happen. Please support this troop effort.
As a further reminder, there will be very few sales during the weekend of Oct 16, so lets have a big scout, cub and parent turn out this Saturday to Sell, Sell, Sell – please !!!
If you have any questions please contact me. If you need additional forms please ask. We have plenty in the scout office.
Troop 133, Treasurer and Popcorn Kernel
Walt Livingston
215 / 801-8094
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