From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2010 10:34 AM
Subject: Fwd: Popcorn Sales This Weekend
FROM: TROOP & PACK 133 POPCORN CHAIRPERSON ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As requested in the trailing e-mail, after 4 of 6 weekends of sales, dollar-wise, we are at the half-way point with approx $7,500 in total sales. Our total at this point should be $10,000. So, yes we have our work cut out. Dedicating the weekend to sales will help, but we will need to sell approx $4,000 each weekend. Keeping in mind the various methods of sales including TAKE ORDERS (individual sales efforts), SHOW & SELL (30th street station, post office, the Acme super market, and Sunday church sales), and SHOW & DELIVER (Area surrounding St Thomas church and the area surrounding Scout Headquarters). The latter method has not yet occur due to no parental support for this sales method, albeit it has been proven to work. With several weeks left, all are urged to commit time and make one final push for Take Order sales and Show and Deliver. I am available all day Saturday to fill Take Orders. I am posting below the schedule for this weekend starting on Friday with 30th Street Station sales at 3:30 pm until 7:00 pm. Following the 30th Street sales, I will deliver scouts to St Thomas for the camp-in that evening, if parents wish for me to do so. Please let me know if you would like your scout to have a ride to the Church that evening. Please be mindful that we are still looking for patrols to report in accordance with their patrol's schedule. Cub Scouts are scheduled for the Post Office on Saturday morning but are quite welcome to help out at 30th Street on Friday. We need to cover all venues if we are going to meet our goal to sell $15,000 of product, and therefore will again request parents of scouts scheduled for Saturday Show and Deliver to show-up and help the scouts with door-to-door delivery. The line-up for this weekend is as follows; Friday, Oct, 22, 10 30th Street Station 3:30 to 7:00 pm Cobras Sat., Oct 23, 10 Post Office 10:00 to 1:00 pm Cub Scouts Acme Market 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Sabertooth Patrol Overbrook area 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Just Do-It Patrol (Show and Deliver with parents) Sun., Oct 24, 10 St Thomas Church and any other requests for a church Show and Sell set-up. If there are enough parents and scouts, Cub Scouts or Boy Scouts, the neighborhood surrounding Boy Scout Headquarters is another area where sales can be expected to be good. If there are any questions please contact me @ 215 / 801-8094. Regards, Walt Livingston Troop Treasurer and Popcorn Kernel From: <> Sent: Tue Oct 19 15:11:55 2010 Subject: This Weekend Dear Scouts and Parents,
Mr. Livingston our Treasurer, and Chairperson of our Popcorn Sale will be sending out information regarding the status of our Popcorn Sale, to include sales total, etc. Technically this is our last weekend for popcorn selling, however last night at the District Roundtable one of the Scout officials working with the District said he would speak with Council about moving our reconciliation day to after the 30th.
Reconciliation is where we settle up with our sale and turn in all popcorn we have not sold and rectify our bill versus the popcorn we did sell. If reconciliation is put until after the 30th of this month that would give us another weekend opportunity for selling. So far weather has cooperated and despite the weekend camping trip where we suspending selling, the extra weekend could help.
However, regardless of the time, it will not take the place of not having a parents come out to help us. As we said, if parents could give us one to two hours for the sale, we could reach our goal in no time and move on to program activities and other fun things.
This weekend will be dedicated primarily for selling. Mr. Livingston will put out a schedule, but we would like to do some show and deliver sales. This is where we go through selected neighborhoods and the Scouts conduct door to door selling. One target opportunity will be the neighborhood surrounding St. Thomas. There is an eight to twelve block area that could be covered within a couple of hours. We could use three teams of two parents and some Scouts each taking four blocks to cover.
One parent will need to drive a car carrying product and another parent out with the Scouts to help collect money. The other neighborhood would be that surrounding Scout Headquarters at 22nd & Winters Street. This community has been very supportive of Scouts and could render some very good sales. To those of you who have done an extraordinary job already this Popcorn Sale and despite our final total have assured that we will continue to be the top selling unit in all of Triune District THANK YOU!!!
We still have time to reach our goal and prove to others and to ourselves that the only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves.
Yours in Scouting,
J.R. Brockman Scoutmaster Troop 133 609-381-9981 |
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